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"Masa-chan! I thought I would find you here!" Mei bursted through the door to the small waiting room, Y/N glancing up at her from the table in surprise.

"Hatsume-chan..." she quietly said. She watched as the pink girl threw down a few items on the table with ease, separating a few of them quickly.  The support girl had brought in quite the array of inventions, some of which the other girl thought she saw Mei use in the calvary battle and her match with Iida in the show. She pointed towards them hesitantly, eyes filled with anticipation for an answer. "I thought you were going to watch the first match? It's between Midoriya-kun and Shinso-kun."

Mei shook her head with a smile, her hands going to her hips as she leaned over the table, the other leaning back as she did so. "We have to decide which of my babies you're going to use for your own match!" she proclaimed, eyes glowing brightly. "Think about it! You'll be going up against one of the top students in the hero course! Everyone's eyes are going to be on you and my babies if we play it right!"

"I...doubt that will happen," Y/N laughed out slowly with a tired expression. She glanced down, tracing a finger on the table as she spoke. "Todoroki-san has a pretty good grasp on his quick. You saw him during the obstacle course. He blew away most of the competition and the only reason we were able to surpass him was by combing our efforts. The gap he created at the very beginning was nothing short of years of training. His abilities during the calvary race were no joke either. He was able to land a secure place in first by targeting you guys. He was quick to realize that he needed to focus on defense as well as momentum and built a team-based upon that. If anything, I'm almost sure Midoriya-kun would have lost his spot in the finals if he wasn't such a fast thinker and had paired up differently." She looked up slowly, the upper part of her face covered by her bangs. "It's an unwinnable fight. If my guess is correct, he'll immediately use his quirk to stop me from moving."

Mei seemed to think for a moment before brightening again, giving a smile. "Then don't we just need to focus on countering his quirk?"

"Countering his quirk?" Y/N repeated, mildly confused at the other girl's suggestion. "Is that even possible?" Pink hair just nodded, a finger moving beside her face as she answered her companion's question.

"Todoroki-san focuses on using large scale ice attacks, doesn't he?" she began. Y/n swore she could have seen some sort of diagram behind her but shook it off, listening to the girl's explanation. "Using a quirk at such a rapid pace means he is bound to reach his limit at some point, right? So you just need to wait it out until then. If anything, he would be countering his own quirk for you."

"Ah!" Y/N put a hand to her face, seeming to be surprised by the other's suggestion. Mei released another grin, appearing to be glad she had come up with such an idea. The h/c haired girl was quick to interject, however, frowning. "Even if I were to take a gander on the idea that he would eventually reach his limit at some point, there's still a lot of time in between those two things, isn't there? That doesn't account for Todoroki-san being able to use his quirk quickly. Unless I have some way to keep myself constantly moving and away from his attacks, there's no chance I'll be able to stand long enough for that to possibly work."

"Leave that to me!" Mei reassured. "If its mobility, my babies should be able to give you more than enough time! All you have to do is just wait it out!"

" sure about this?" The small girl bit the bottom of her lip, tapping a finger silently against the table. "He is a recommended student."

In all honesty, she highly doubted she would be able to pull off such a feat. And even if she was somehow able to manage a win, she would be messing with the qualifiers as well. She would be messing with a lot of stuff by winning this round. It would mess up Todoroki's character growth and his relationship with Midoriya later during the Hosu attack. She would also be risking a final between Bakugou and Midoriya, something she was not willing to watch. Placing two rivals against one another so early on was bound to have some repercussions.

(OLD) Since I've Been Given Another Chance, Let's Be Heroes! | BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now