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"Shinso-kun," Y/N hummed out, stretching her arms out as she stood. "I'm going to get something to drink really fast. Do you want anything?"

She turned her head, looking down at the boy with a straight face. He kept his eyes on the match currently going on between Iida and Shiozaki, well, was going on between Iida and Shiozaki. "Just a water is fine," he let out, the girl humming a response before walking off, entering the corridor of hallways once again.

The tournament had been going relatively quickly, much to the female's disappointment. She had been hoping it would last a lot longer since the show had taken quite the liberty to dedicate the majority of a whole season to it but she could only guess it had taken a much speedier route after she had been eliminated from the first round of the one on one battles.

After the chaotic mess of a match, Cementos having to reform the stage right after her battle, the other matches seemed to only be carrying the same chaos she had instilled. The crowd was becoming more and more captivated by the hero course students the more the tournament went on, despite all its large scale quirk attacks and violence. She, of course, held to a much similar feeling inside herself when watching each battle. Something about watching these fights in person carried a much different feeling than simply reading or watching them on a television screen, especially when she could actually place faces behind these matches now.

Her personal favorite had to be Ochako versus Bakugou, the sheer emotion behind the girl's very motivation to win.  Her own dedication to her plan of attack and want to prove herself, to be as strong as Midoriya had been, had simply been quite the sympathetic pull to her heart. She also had to give credit to anger management for not only going all out on her but also not once looking down on her the whole match. Even if he was an asshole the majority of the time, he wasn't a dumbass.

Midoriya and Todoroki also held itself well in her heart but somehow lost some of its original sparks after her meddling in the first round. It had gone relatively the same as the original plot, much to her own relief. She knew forcing the male to use his fire side would have some repercussions later on but at the very least, his match with Midoriya had little if no changes whatsoever. Then again, she doubted she would have been able to solve years of trauma in one single confrontation, especially considering the fact Masami wasn't exactly supposed to know about the source of his quick troubles. To know Midoriya was still the main character was comforting.

She bounced in her step, spotting a vending machine lined on the wall. "How lucky," she muttered to herself as she neared it. Her eyes glanced around as her fingers went to work, inserting some money, and grabbing the two bottled drinks form the bottom. She held onto Shinso's drink in her hand, stuffing her own under her arm. It sent a small shiver through her hand but she refused to acknowledge it, walking off. The hallways were mainly desolate, save for the few students going back to their seats, and incoherent chattering.

"Eh-" The female widened her eyes slightly as she looked down the open hallway, noticing the familiar tuff of green hair standing in front of an all familiar skeleton man. "Midoriya-kun?" she questioned, stopping in her steps.

The boy in question turned around in surprise upon hearing his name, his own eyes widening back. He murmured her name, causing the female to let out a very awkward wave towards him, doing her best to not drop the other bottle she was holding under her arm. He looked at her concerningly, his eyes frantically moving in between his mentor and his friend form general studies. "H-How long have you been there?" he asked worriedly.

The girl hummed in thought, more or less to increase the boy's concern about her over listening to his conversation. "Not long? I was just getting some drinks for me and Shinso-kun since Iida-san's match just ended," she explained, the boy visibly deflating a bit. She laughed slightly before letting it die down, looking at him curiously. She gestured towards the other man, her mouth already working away before her mind could catch up. She may have been injured and peeved about getting so far along in this whole damn thing but that didn't mean she couldn't have her own fun.

(OLD) Since I've Been Given Another Chance, Let's Be Heroes! | BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now