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"Good morning Shinso-kun," the female sighed out, waving her hand as she walked over to where the purple boy was sitting, placing herself next to him.

"What's up with you?" the boy questioned, raising a brow in her direction. The female simply waved her hand once again, appearing to be waving the comment off.

"Mm, nothing. Just a bit frustrated in myself these days. Just ignore me for a bit," she muttered. Her head moved down onto the desk, her face smiling a bit at the cold touch. "Feels nice..." her voice quietly relished, the sensation nice against her cheeks.

The boy let out a small noise in acknowledgment, or at least she hoped it was an acknowledgment, before turning his head away from her, directing his attention elsewhere. he placed a hand under his chin, resting as the girl kept her head attached to the desk. He made no moves to keep the conversation going, seeming to realize that it would be a bit pointless since the girl wasn't exactly paying attention at the moment.

E/c eyes closed, a short breath being released as the girl continued staying in the same position, finding it oddly comfortable at the moment. It was much-needed welcome to her tired state, the feeling almost lulling herself to sleep.

Truly, she should have spent her time better last night.

She had spent an awfully long time texting the colorful trio last night, Mei coming up with the idea that the four should make a group chat with one another after school yesterday, claiming that it was a fun experience. Y/N had shown no qualms about Mei's pitched idea, in fact, being fairly supportive of it. If all her current friends were in one chat then she wouldn't have to focus on texting one person at a time. Plus, she was convinced Midoriya would be updating them about anything that happened to him in the year since there was now more than one person who would be concerned about his later health.

What she hadn't planned on, however, was the later mass amount of texts being sent back and forth. Initially, it was just Mei discussing a new invention of hers, pictures included. Y/N had showered the other with a few compliments and Midoriya decided to ask more in detail about it, Mei easily explaining its functions to the boy. That was fine.

No, the problem was when Shinso started sending cat pictures out of nowhere and Y/N, being the smartest being alive, decided to mass send more cat pictures back. Midoriya eventually grew confused, lost to the sea of endless pictures being sent back and forth and Mei? Mei just sort of joined in, confusing the third to no ends before he decided it would be a great idea to also join in.

She found it sort of funny watching Midoriya get flustered over why he was now receiving seventy messages at once and how Shinso quite literally said not a single word in that span of time of the exchange. She was glad Mei seemed to have been enjoying herself during the conversation if it could even be considered a conversation to begin with. God, they were going to corrupt the poor hero boy and it was going to be stupid cat pictures to blame.

An eventful set of events. She had no idea how all three of these people were wide awake at this point but was glad they all appeared to be getting along with one another. Seriously, did they just not sleep?

She let out a small laugh at herself, a depressing aura covering her face as she did so and possibly scaring the other boy in the process.

Damn their endurance.

A loud 'ahem' was made at the front of the room, causing the female to look up from her spot. Snipe held a hand to his...mouth? She was pretty sure it was his mouth. She released a yawn, covering her mouth before pushing herself from the desk. She shivered a bit, disappointed she would have to leave her peaceful place.

(OLD) Since I've Been Given Another Chance, Let's Be Heroes! | BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now