chapter 7

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"Here's your money,you threw it at me like I was a fucking stripper. And you left me to walk back to the dorms alooone."
So the girl had feelings.
"Nat, am sorry ok. Trust me it was the anger," I said while ordering pizza and ice-cream online. I was going to use the same the money she returned. And honestly I was pleased with this girl, she returned money. Who does that in the twenty first century anyway?
"Sure.. you're sorry,while your eyes are on the damn phone." She spat at me.
"Am going to go to the lobby be back in five minutes," I completely ignored her ranting because we would end up arguing. Yeah girls and jumping into conclusions... that's what I was avoiding. After the elevator ride I took the take-out from the delivery man and paid him. When I got back to the dorm room Natasha was still there at the couch like a lion eagerly to pounce on it's prey,which was obviously me.
"So used your dirty money to buy food,so thoughtful." She sneered.
"Feisty, I see.What happened?" I asked chuckling.
"You happened, you never called me to apologize that's why I avoided you."
"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you were the one on the wrong side. You got me curious when you said something about your brother and being the good friend I am I had to ask about it. You literally shouted at me in a crowded restaurant. And...." I didn't get to finish my breathless rant. She silenced me, yeah she did!
"You called me a stripper in a crowded restaurant Mark.. Imagine the looks I got after you left me...." She complained.
"Ok am sorry, I forgive you and you forgive me?" I asked
"Deal" she said while shaking hands with me..ok I never thought that it would be this easy but well I did "conscience".
(Conscience smiles at me)
Ok back to Natasha ,I think am crazy,who agrees with me?
We spend the night watching Netflix, we're catching up on each others lives for the months we didn't, the months she avoided me. Natasha is cuddled next to me,she looks more beautiful because she's almost sleeping. Her doe eyes are now half closed, there's a smile on her face and I can tell she doesn't regret forgiving me. Eventually she falls asleep and her beautiful body lies on me, because am a good friend I carry her to her bedroom to tuck her in bed. I kiss her forehead and whisper a soft goodnight. **The old Mark never did female friends,they were just flings to ease his sexual tension, but the new Mark was here tucking a girl he barely knew in bed and kissing her. She was special,her delicate body lay there,her hair sprawled out on her pillow. Her soft snores were music to his ears and if he didn't leave , he would fall asleep next to her.**
Next morning
I had slept in my sister's room because the previous night she stayed over at Jade's. I took a quick shower and changed into clothes I had left in my sister's closet. The quietness in the dorm clearly indicated that Natasha was still asleep. I decided to surprise her with breakfast in bed. I quickly made her favourite breakfast eggs,bacon and crepe with a mug of coffee with no milk or sugar... thanks to yesternight because I got to know so many things about her. I carried the tray of breakfast and entered her room without knocking I knew she was still sleeping,but she wasn't.
"What the hell Mark!"she screamed at me. Now my dick was straining my pants , painful right? Shit! This girl was going to be the death of me. Oh I haven't told you guys what I was seeing. Natasha was in a a towel that barely covered her fat ass and boobs. Water dripping from her wet curly hair.
"Dude you're checking me out like I'm a piece of meat. Or do you want a pic,"she smirked at me. My cheeks were lightly red. FYI guys also blush.
"Am sorry ,for not knocking , enjoy your breakfast," I said placing the tray on her night stand.
"Round ass, you sure you're single," I teased while walking towards the door. Yeah she blushed. Hard. And it was honestly an achievement ,this girl is hard to please people!

Guys sorry for the short chapter 💔 oh well! ENJOY!

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