chapter 6

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He called when I was giving Ace a foot massage.  I was in the middle of something anyway, something important, because I had stepped on Ace's foot. For the past months I've been avoided manwhore , spending my time with Ace. Yeah people I moved on , I wasn't going to be stuck up on some guy I didn't know much of. My studies even got better because I didn't have distractions (Markello) , everything is just going on well.
Such a nuisance, he just wanted to know what secrets I had so he could spill everything out. That happened once with Nathan and I swore never to tell anyone.

"Am here to fix you baby, you know you can trust me." He cooed in my ears.
"I love you.." and those three fucking words sent me to the edge. I told Nathan everything that night, lost my virginity to him that same night ,he called it making love to me  and I fell for it like the dumb bitch I am. The L-bomb made me vulnerable to him that night, but atleast I always get to blame the teenage hormones. I don't want to fall in love because of that. Going to school after the amazing night with Nathan , there were posters about losing my v- card all over the walls and lockers. My secrets also plastered on the wall. I cried my heart out for days ,it was so embarrassing , my soul was out of place . I even had home-schooling for that whole year. Since then I've never had sex, never talked my heart out to someone. I was always bottled up and giving away my dark secrets to Mark wasn't comfortable for me. I barely knew him and of course I had doubts. What if ....he tells someone ,what if he uses it to black mail me...,what if....and it goes on and on. My past actions had so much consequences,so much darkness in it that I never wanted to look back at it, I just wanted to forget. That was the stupid young me who didn't know what I was doing was wrong. Those were blasphemous actions that made me the woman I am, the emotionless woman. I always wished I could erase that dark part of my memory , once I tried hitting myself on the head with a stone to give me amnesia but it ended up with me having a headache. My parents thought it was attempt suicide. I even thought that they were jocular when they said they were going to take me to a shrink. The following week I found myself in a chair in front of a middle aged woman who was trying to dig into my life, but completely failed because I never talked. I understood my parents were cautious after what happened to my brother but I couldn't go for those shrink sessions, they awakened the dark in me, they made me commit self-harm and the fading scars on my wrist are the evidence of it. I talked to my parents that I no longer wanted the sessions , I would be my normal cheerful me. Of course I kept the promise when the sessions stopped. But the darkness, guilt was still eating me up, I oftenly cried myself to sleep.

Oh well my past is my past.
So Ace left after a while and it was so boring. I resented to watching old movies. There was a knock at the door and I told the person to come in from the couch.
My breath hitched on seeing his grey eyes, they were weak ,huuhhh!! He hadn't been sleeping, but I was sleeping.
Mark sat at the far end of the couch , away from me.
"So,hey. Can we talk?" He asked after fake coughing.
I switched off the TV to give him full attention but what he said next made me laugh.
"Anyone here? Your boyfriend.." I literally laughed for a good five minutes,am sure I scared him.
"Why do you ask?"I asked after recovering from the hearty laughter.
"The guy moaned over the phone,like..... you were touching his dick or something." He said looking down .
"No I was giving him a foot massage because I stepped on his feet." I said chuckling at his stupid assumptions.
Now we talk dude... In fact I have your money. Getting up from the couch I walked to my room to return his money.
"Here's your money,you threw it at me like I was a fucking stripper. And you left me to walk back to the dorms alooone." I sneered.

Story is not edited. Sorry about the mistakes made.
It's all me😁

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