chapter 5

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I can't believe she lashed out on me. Like honestly, she said she would tell me." But you called her a bitch."
Whatever ,fuck you conscience she literally called me a manwhore. You're supposed to be siding with me asshole. "The last time I did we almost killed Diana." Now that's a story for another day. Am lying on bed talking to myself, the realest  nigga I know, that is even against me. If we couldn't have argued we could be on the phone right now, talking to each other till we fall asleep. "For once your mind is ok ,she has avoided you for two months." I swear my fucking conscience is laughing at me. My soul and mind are now against me. Yeah I know I destroy every good thing in my life, am such a wrecker. Tossing and turning in bed I reach for my phone on my night stand and go to my contacts and stare at Natasha's contact. Call her, you know she can forgive you. After my stupid self argument I press call and she picks up or should I say he picks up.
"Hello..." I hear the masculine voice through my phone's speaker. Clearly it's neither Blake nor Leo. Not even the girls.
I don't speak and the next words I hear almost get me choking.
"Babe, someone's on the phone, it's Mark."
"End the call am busy," Natasha says. But before he ends it he moans. Ok he was being given a blow while talking over the phone ... Seriously I could trade my conscience with someone it mocks me. But the problem is,  who wants a broken and  troubled one?
Yeah! Yeah she forgot about our friendship already. So let me forget her. I feel broken because of the rejection.
"You deserve it Markello Bill, After Diana,Lianna and you expect not being rejected. Your a fool. You literally go wrecking other people's life and now I believe Natasha is the next victim." Fuck my conscience ,I swear it's going to drive me crazy. Maybe am crazy ,I mean I've been to the Asylum more than I can count already.My dad thinks my nightmares and self-harm was due to a void in my brain, but deep down I knew what I did that has been haunting me for years. The consequences made me a terrible person , with no mercy. I wasn't the good type of guy to hang out with,just me and my lonely self,or should I say my best friends conscience,body,mind and soul. They made me survive, through the pain they never left, when we made bad decisions we would stick together. No one lied among us. Body, mind ,soul and conscience were always there for me. My parents had hired many Shrinks but to hell with them, I never attended those sessions. The sessions always triggered the worst memories and once I almost choked a shrink to death. But I always had a weak spot for my mother and sister,they are my life, without them I think I would have already committed suicide.
But since Natasha stepped into my life. I had the urge to become friends with her ,since that night she covered a blanket over me to sleep and removed my shoes.I knew it was her,she cared even though I had always been rude to her . I wanted to know her, and from then my best friends would disagree with me or make fun of me. I needed to fix the broken part of her. I knew she had it in her, I could see it in her whenever she stared in a distance with a frown but she quickly covered it with a smile...She was an experiment for me and I wanted to be very observant , know every detail about her. I hope I was also her experiment because if we got each other we could find our antidote and counteract the demons that haunted our lives. But it she never seemed to understand ,and after the fight we had she completely shut me out. She never looked at me, I was the villian. Am truly a villian anyway.

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