chapter three

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3rd person pov

Markello sneered at the man Infront of him. He knew that Jerome had been sent by his father to him. The man had always gotten on the bad side of Mark. Jerome was ruthless,so malevolent, overbearing and heartless. He even hurt the innocent making them victims of  the harsh and ruthless dealings of Bill's family business. Markello hated that part of him because innocent lives were occasionally lost ,for Markello's side he only killed the culprits that would interfere with the business.

"Did she accept the offer?" Markello asked referring to Rosa while smirking.

"No she didn't,why?" Mark asked
"Because there's a plan B," Jerome replied giving him the evil grin.

"Fucking shit Jerome! There's no plan B in this. If she says no it's a no!She only wants to be on the legal side of the business,I guess I'll be the one on the dirty side ," Markello shouted at him while gripping his shirt ready to fight him.

"Leave Jerome ,I guess you had no errands to run today. You don't want me to tell dad that you have been fucking college girls instead of keeping an eye on us,just leave before I kill you," by then he had his hands balled into fists ready to pounce on Jerome. He was breathing heavily ,his eyes were dark with anger. Jerome chuckled and walked away not wanting to fight with his boss's son. Markello stormed back into his room , closing the door in a bang. He relaxed his rapid breathing to steady ones and promised himself that later on the day he would talk to his sister about their family business,after all it was her choice to make whether she would be in the business or not.

*Later in the day*

Markello stood at the threshold of his sister's dorm, he was so nervous. For five minutes he stood there holding Rosa's favourite chocolate and ice cream. Making up his mind he knocked on the door.

Immediately Natasha opened the door. She looked back inside to Rosa who was busy laughing at the jokes that Jade was making.

For the first time in his life he stuttered in his speech.

"Is....Rosa in,I...I need to talk to her please."

Peeking her head inside the room she called on Rosa who grudgingly came outside to her brother. Natasha left the two outside not wanting to interfere.

For some moment they just stood there ,both of them quite.

"Am sorry Ros," Markello eased the awkwardness handing her the chocolate and ice cream he brought.

"It was so immature of to walk out on you, please I'll make it up to you, I'll make sure you're not involved in the business..."

Rosa didn't even let her brother finish,she hugged him, because she had missed him.

"Mark thank you.. you're apology is enough, don't need to make it up to me, I'll be in the business if that's what dad wants. But I'll have to also ask mum about it ,ok?" She said to him.

Mark was flabbergasted ,his mouth ajar.
"Did Jerome talk to you?" He asked

"No he never did, it's my choice , besides I warned him not to come close to me when in campus,"

Mark then kissed his sister's forehead,he had missed her terribly

"Thanks for bringing me my favourite"she said chuckling.

"You're welcome sis,"

They then joined their friends in the sitting room,who couldn't stop stealing glances at them.

Picking up the beer that was on the coffee table  Mark took a swig and shouted
"To my sister and to starting classes on Monday!"
Everyone drank their beer except Natasha.She was at the corner of the couch watching others get drunk. In her hand was a glass of apple juice that she kept refiling after some sips.

She had been staring at nothing in particular that she didn't even notice drunk Mark sit beside her.

"So apple juuuicee, at a get together!" Mark slurred

"Yea...I don't drink," She replied sadly struggling hard not to remember the last time she did.

"It was wrong for me to call you a stripper or a slut.Take my apology ,I never apologize actually."

"Ok.." she murmured
Mark continued getting himself drunk. Occasionally he would talk to Natasha about not so important things.

At midnight their friends left for their rooms. Mark was too drunk to realise everyone had left .He had leaned over to Natasha who supported his body from falling off.

Rosa was already asleep in her room.
Natasha then put his head against the arm of the couch ,she proceeded by removing his shoes and bringing him blankets to sleep on the couch.

She then trugged to her room exhausted,she immediately fell asleep.

Hello my fellow wattpaders ❤️❤️ @misheyw here😩✌️please vote, comment and share this story.just click the⭐below ,then click the 💬 to write your thoughts about this chapter or book, and click the 🧲 (it looks like share) to share.please abeg I need more reads to continue with the updating of the book,maybe weekly or monthly,I don't know. anyway goodnight/afternoon/morning to everyone enjoy.and the word count of this chapter is 943 words ,sorry I didn't keep my promise💔💔

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