Chapter Seventeen

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Michael Scofield's POV

There was a brief pause. It felt like the whole world had stopped spinning. The loud ring of a telephone filled the room, startling everyone.

I watched a man answer the phone, what was going on? I couldn't make out what he was saying as he was speaking with a hushed tone. The man slammed the phone down.

Suddenly a curtain was pulled across the viewing window so we could no longer see Lincoln.

"What's going on!?" I shouted. Everyone around me looked puzzled. I felt my heart racing, what were they doing to Lincoln. I stood up in anger.

"Mr Scofield, come with me" a guard said to me at the door. I followed him out of the viewing area, I saw Elise was also following me, she didn't look worried at all.

I followed the guard all the way back to the original room we were in prior to the execution.

"What is going on, where is my brother?" I said.

"That was the local news on the phone Michael, they have found new evidence and have a reason to believe your brother is innocent. We have delayed the execution by fourteen days" the guard said as he walked out of the room.

I was shocked. The mixture of emotions hit me, Lincoln was alive for another two weeks. I can finally break us free.

"Michael?" Elise questioned as I zoned back into the room.

"I can't believe it" I said, still unable to process what had just happened. The door opened, the Governor walked in followed by two more guards, Lincoln strolled in behind them.

I dashed straight to my brother and hugged him so tightly. Something I thought I would never be doing again.

"You're ok" whispered to him, fighting back the tears.

"It wasn't my time" he whispered back to me with a small smile, I could see Lincoln was also holding back from crying.

"So what happened? How did this happen so suddenly?" I questioned the Governor.

"It seems Miss Moretti here had other ideas about this execution..." he said. I turned around and looked at Elise in almost disbelief, she saved my brother?

"Forgive me Governor, I'd previously spoken to Lincoln's lawyer who informed me of this new evidence. I knew I could possibly save a potentially innocent man's life if I contacted the press" she spoke.

Her words were music to my ears, I loved her. I fucking loved her. The sacrifices she has made for me and now saving my brother from a death row execution. I had to stop myself with all my might from grabbing her and kissing her right then.

"Elise, thank you" Lincoln spoke, "you saved my life".

"We will leave you two for a moment before returning to your cells" the Governor spoke. All the guards began to head out, including Elise.

"Elise, wait" I said, the Governor glared at me. I didn't care, I needed to thank her for saving Lincoln's life.

"One moment Governor, I think I at least owe the brothers an explanation?" Elise said.

"Fine, meet me in my office in 15 minutes, Moretti" he spoke as he closed the door behind them, leaving me and Lincoln alone with Elise.

"Elise.... I.... I can't believe it, why didn't you tell us I'm so thankful honestly" I began, I couldn't even put into words how I was feeling.

"I was petrified I wouldn't be able to pull it off, I didn't want to tell you and give any false hope. It wasn't all me, you have Veronica to thank as well" she spoke with a smile.

"You spoke to Veronica?" Lincoln asked, his eyes beginning to water.

"She's been working so hard to prove your innocence, she's finally gathered enough evidence to win this case" Elise said.

"I can't thank you enough Elise" said Lincoln "for everything you've done for us"

"I wish I could just hug you" I said, "I'm so sorry for everything Elise, what you've done for me and my family is amazing, I'm eternally grateful" I said, I glazed into her eyes, she was stunning, the most beautiful girl I'd ever laid my eyes on. Every time I saw her it was like the first time. I'm so lucky to love her.

"Me too" she sighed. "I must go, don't worry, we'll get that hug" she smiled as she turned to the door.

"Elise, I love you" I said.

"I love you too Michael" she whispered as she left.


Elise's POV

I sat in my car before my shift. I barely slept last night. I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday with Lincoln's execution. And of course, Michael.

My heart ached, I think I have forgiven him for not telling me about the potential prison escape. I just don't know if I can cope with the frustration of being in love with someone I can't even have?

I craved the little things. The hand holding, the kiss goodnight, his skin against mine. I needed to find a way to see him alone again.

I checked the calendar, it was Wednesday. Bingo.

Michael usually has his counselling session on a Wednesday, a perfect opportunity. I locked up my car and headed straight towards the infirmary. I entered the building and walked straight up to the main nurse.

"Hi. I'm here for Mr Scofield's counselling session?" I spoke, might as well try my luck here.

"I'm sorry? Doesn't Dr Merrygold usually see Mr Scofield?" she said, looking me up and down.

"Usually yes, but due to the events yesterday, the Governor has asked me to conduct his session today" I said confidently.

"Well it's the first I've heard of it..." she spat.

"Do I really need to call the Governor and bother him during his mid-week meeting to clarify this with you?" I sneered, pulling out my phone and beginning to dial.

"Fine. Take the last room on the left. Mr Scofield should be brought over in 10 minutes" she said.

I can't believe this is actually working. I couldn't wait to see Michael again. I headed down the hall to the final room. I stepped inside, closing the door behind me. The room was simple, a small bed and a couple of leather arm chairs. I sat in one of the chairs, patiently waiting for Michael's arrival.

I'm going to help him escape.

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