Chapter Nine

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Michael Scofield's Point of View

I was running out of time, the pieces of the plan were slowly starting to come together. I was getting more and more nervous. Linc's execution date was fast approaching, I only had one shot at this.

I lay in bed, running over everything in my head. Making sure I remembered every small detail. There's just one last thing I'm going to eventually need. Keys to the infirmary... And there's only one person I know will be able to get them for me.

I had no intention to get Elise involved in my plan to break out of Fox River. I initially planned to steal the keys, but that was proving almost impossible. I'm going to have to get her help. But I was scared, I know how much her job means to her, she could lose everything all over again... And it would be my fault.

I needed to focus on the plan, to save Lincoln's life. But she's always on my mind. My first thought when I wake up, my last thought at night. She captivated me from the moment I saw her. I closed my eyes, thinking about the small moment we had together in the infirmary. I'd do anything to make it different, to hold her hand as we strolled down the street, expensive dinners with candle light, movie nights on the couch... I sighed to myself, knowing I could never be that guy for her.

I grabbed a sheet of paper from my desk and began to draw. I could remember every detail of her face perfectly. I sketched for a while before I noticed I was being watched.

"Sucre, you scared me" I said, hiding the papers from his view.

"Who's that you're drawing? It kinda looked like Moretti?" he said, I looked away. "Wait... don't tell me you're actually starting to like the girl now?"

"Sucre please, get some sleep" I said, avoiding his questions.

"Papi, you can't let yourself get distracted from the plan, we need her for the plan to work" he said.

"The plan will work" I snapped


The cell doors opened, it was time for breakfast. We all headed down to the cafeteria, I wasn't feeling hungry. I haven't had much of an appetite for prison food. I grabbed myself a small plate of food and took a seat in the far corner. My head was pounding with stress. I closed my eyes to try and relieve the pain.

"Wow, those eggs look undercooked" I heard a familiar voice, I quickly opened my eyes. There she was stood next to me, every time I see her it's like the first time all over again. Her uniform hugged her figure perfectly, her beaming smile lit up the entire room. Something about her, she pulled me in.

"Hey, early shift today?" I questioned with a smile.

"Yeah, just can't get enough of this place" she laughed. I adored her laugh, it always makes me smile. I grinned at her, I could feel the others watching me. They think I'm being nice to her purely for the plan... if only they knew.

"You look beautiful this morning" I said kindly. I noticed her cheeks begin to flush. I loved having this effect on her, it was adorable.

"Thank you Michael" she whispered. I gave her a little wink. I could still feel the others staring over at us.

"One day... one day when I'm out of here, we are going on a date, just you and me, champagne, beautiful steak dinner... candlelight" I whispered back to her. She smiled but I noticed the sadness in her eyes.

"Sounds amazing Michael, but that's over four years away now, anything could happen" she began.

"It will be sooner than you think" I said. Oh shit, hope I haven't said too much, I don't want her guessing the plan, she already asks too many questions.

"How? What do you mean Michael?" she replied.

"Just... wait for me" I said, I leaned over and grabbed her hand, giving it a firm squeeze. I smiled at her and dashed away quickly before she had chance to say anymore. I went back to my cell and lay on my bed. Sucre quickly followed behind me.

"Man, you've got this. Moretti will hand those keys over in no time, looks like she's really into you. You're a genius" he said to me once he arrived. His comments angered me slightly.

"Mhmm" I grunted back, I wasn't in the mood to discuss this further.

"What's up with you man? You've been weird lately, is it your brother?" He quizzed.

"Yes, something like that" I replied, it wasn't a complete lie, I was starting to worry about getting my brother out of here. But I was also scared, scared that I'm starting to fall in too deep with Elise. She's the only person to put a smile on my face everyday. I worry that once I've escaped I will never see her again. It would be dangerous for us both.

I reached under my pillow and found my sketch of her. I stared at it for a while before I began to fold it. First in half, then into two triangles, then folded a third over... I kept folding until I held a little paper swan in my hand.

I anxiously waited to be called out for PI work. Today we were working in the grounds, laying and maintaining grass. Meaning, it would be harder to chat to Elise alone again. I twiddled the paper swan with my fingertips. Is it time to tell her my plan? How am I going to even be alone with her again to talk to her? I lay thinking for a moment. Then suddenly it hit me. It was the perfect plan.

The isolation cells.

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