Chapter Three

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"PI! IN THE YARD" shouted Bellick at the top of his lungs as he pressed the button to open the cell doors. I stood beside him anxiously. Today was my first day in charge of monitoring the PI inmates while they work. I wasn't anxious about monitoring six inmates by myself, I was anxious to see Michael again.

The six men all lined up outside in the yard. I scanned along the line to see who was there. Abruzzi, Sucre, Franklin, Westmorland, T-Bag... and of course, Michael.

I could feel Michael's eyes staring into the back of my head as I escorted them all to the office block. Their task was to mend a leak in the building and plaster the walls ready for decorating. They all sheepishly scurried into the building, I followed them in. Michael paused in the doorway, stopping me from entering. I stared up at him, his charming face smiling back at me.

"We're sanding down the walls in there today, it gets pretty dusty, you might wanna just wait outside" he spoke.

"Well, I need to check you're all behaving" I said, trying to step past him. I could see T-Bag grinning over at me, twirling the end of a broom through his fingers. He winked at me, licking his lower lip. "On second thoughts, yes I'll wait out here... now get to work please"

"Oh, I think I'm going to wait outside too.... the dust might upset my.... asthma" said Michael, closing the door to the office block behind him. So Michael was a diabetic and an asthmatic? "I'm Michael by the way, I'm sorry, I never officially introduced myself".

I should have made him go back inside and start working, but in a way I was glad to be stood alone with him. Seeing him in the daylight, he was even more handsome. His smooth skin glowed, his eyes were mesmerising, how was a guy like him behind bars?

"So you worked at Homestead Prison in Florida before here then?" he asked, interrupting my daydream. Wait, how does he know this?

"Wha.... Yes I did, wait how you do know that?" I asked.

"Interesting career path for a woman, impressive" he said, completely ignoring my question.

"Well, a women can do anything a man can" I said proudly, giving him a little smile. He smiled back at me with a laugh. He was actually adorable. Wait, what am I saying, no Elise, he's an inmate. I could hear the others working loudly inside. Strange, I didn't think sanding walls made so much noise?

"How's are you feeling after yesterday?" he spoke again, referring to the attack.

"Oh, yeah I'm ok, I'm sure the bruise will go soon" I mumbled. He took a step closer to me, leaning over me slightly.

"Let me see" he whispered, placing his warm hands on my cold face. His touch took me by surprise, and I flinched away. "Sorry, did I hurt you?"

"N.. No, sorry I just..." I couldn't get any words out, my mouth went dry and I could feel my heart beating faster.

"You're freezing Elise, stand closer" Michael said as he gestured towards me. I shuffled ever so slightly closer to him. I was close enough now to smell him, and he smelt amazing. The very light smell of a fresh cologne, it was kind of soothing.

"I should probably check and see how the work is going" I said, suddenly remembering I had a job to do. I turned to enter the office block when Michael stepped in my path. Something strange was definitely going on.

"They're fine in there" he said quickly. I raised an eyebrow at him, before I attempted to enter the building again. "Please, they're fine. I'm worried about my asthma". I huffed at him and stepped away from the door, I can't believe I'm letting an inmate call the shots here.

"How about you tell me how you knew my name and where I used to work?" I demanded, time to start getting some answers.

"I read your file" he said, cracking a cute smile.

"You read my file? How did you get it? So you just know everything about me now then?" I snapped, all I could think about at this point was my dad. Michael must know about him now too.

"Please, it wasn't malicious" he started "when I first saw you in the governors office I just... I needed to know you, your file was on his desk". He needed to know me? Butterflies filled my stomach again at his words, no man has ever made me feel so nervous yet calm at the same time.

"Well then, seeing as you know everything about me, how about you tell me more about you?" I said confidently.

"Are you flirting with me, boss?" I felt my cheeks flush, he could literally read me like a book. "I'm teasing, no need to get embarrassed" he said, winking his left eye.

"So, I met your brother" I said quickly, changing the subject.

"Oh Linc, yeah he's a good guy, not one to worry about... Actually, I suggested to Bellick if Lincoln could join the PI group. It's just, his execution is very soon, I don't know how much more time I'm going to get to spend with him" he said.

"I can see if I can talk to him for you" I replied, his eyes lit up at my words. I can't imagine what he's going through, having a brother sentenced to death.

"Please Elise, he's the only family I have"


"You're a waste of space, if you can't let me do what I want, I suggest you fuck off out of my life, if I want to take drugs, I will. And there's nothing you can do to stop me!" My ex boyfriend stood before me, shouting nastily in my face.

"I'm sorry Matt, if my work find out there's drugs in our house, I'll lose my job" I sobbed.

"All you care about is yourself, and your job. You can't live to make your stupid dad proud all the time. Dumb bitch, he's can't be proud of you when he's DEAD! " he shouted. I screamed, burying myself into the corner of the room. Shaking in fear, my head down, clutching my legs.

I felt two hands grab me, cuddling me tight. I felt safe, he'd come to save me, my dad was here.

"Dad?" I looked up, it wasn't my dad. It was Michael.

"Shhh, I've got you" he whispered, holding me tight. My heart rate slowed as I embraced him. My watery eyes gazed up at him, he stared back an me before leaning in closer, his lips millimetres away from mine...


I woke with a start. I checked the time, 3:26am. I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom.

I stared at myself in the mirror. I examined myself, my dark bruise on my cheek bone, a tear rolling down my face. The dream was scary, but I felt calm. I had dreamt about Michael. He, saved me?

All I could think about was his touch outside the office block. The feel of his large warm hands caressing my face gently. It was strange. He's so captivating to me, a complete mystery. I wish I hadn't woken up, I wanted to feel that kiss... am I falling for an inmate?

I needed to know more. Who is, Michael Scofield?

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