Chapter Eight

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All the inmates were out in the yard. Giving us guards time to do a cell check. We do this every couple of days to ensure no one was hiding any weapons or drugs.

I was determined to search Michael and Fernando's cell, I wanted to know what they were hiding. I began searching a few cells on the first floor, getting closer and closer to cell 40.

I reached their cell, I checked mattresses and the pillows. Nothing. I looked under the bed, still nothing. I glanced over at the desk, there was not much there aside from a few sheets of paper and a bible.

I sifted through the paper, most of which was blank aside from one sheet that had a long number written on it.

I picked up the bible, I remember Michael holding it one night when I was on guard. I opened it and flicked through a few pages. The book suddenly fell open around a third of the way through.

A section of the pages had been cored out, and a long black screw was imbedded inside. What could this possibly be for? Had it been any other inmate I would have confiscated the screw, but I quickly closed the book back up and placed it back on the desk.

As I was about to leave Michael's cell, I noticed a small pool of water next to the toilet. I didn't think much of this, typical prison with a poor plumbing system.

After I finished checking all the cells I headed outside to the yard. I slowly started to patrol one side of the fence. I spotted Michael straight away, he and a few others were gathered around a bench. I found myself watching him, he had a real 'alpha male' vibe about him. The other inmates seemed to be gravitated to him.

I forgot I was staring at him when he looked over and spotted me. I quickly looked away and continued to walk along the fence. Next thing, Michael was heading my way.

"Good Morning" he spoke as he leaned himself up against the fence beside me.

"Hi Michael, how are you?" I replied, should I ask him about the screw?

"Better now I'm speaking to you" he grinned, I felt my cheeks slightly flush as I giggled at him.

"So I was in your cell this morning" I started, I watched his eyes widen ever so slightly. "Clever, storing a screw in a bible" I whispered.

"Did you take it?" He asked quickly.

"No I left it, I should have taken it but... for you I... what is it for?" I quizzed. He looked a little angry, but he remained calm.

"Look, I wish I could tell you, but I can't" he said.

"Michael, I could have easily confiscated that, if anyone knew I left it there I'd probably get fired... I'm putting my neck on the line a lot with you, the least you can do is tell me why you and the others are acting so shady" I said, I didn't want to moan at him, but I was right. I could lose everything for him?

"I'm sorry Elise" he said, as he turned around and walked off. My chest ached as I watched him stroll back towards the others. He was so confusing.


I finished my afternoon session with my councillor. I was starting to feel better in myself since I started the sessions. I slowly walked down the corridor in the infirmary.


I looked around me. I couldn't see anybody.


I noticed Michael sat alone in a consultation room, he had a drip in his arm. I wanted to just ignore him, I wanted nothing to do with him right now. But, in pure Elise style, I found myself entering the room.

"Why is it I always see you in here?" He asked.

"Well, I could ask you the same question" I replied. I wasn't in the mood to tell him anything more about myself.

"I'm just having a health check today" he said "hence the needle in my arm"

"Right, well... I need to get back to work" I said as I went to leave. Michael firmly grabbed my arm.

"Stay with me for a bit" he said, "nurse won't be back for around 8 minutes"

"Oh 8 minutes, very precise" I joked, I looked at his large hand that was still grasping my arm.

"What are you up to Michael Scofield?" I said, gazing into his pale blue eyes. It was a bit of a rhetorical question, I didn't expect him to answer.

"Just... Trust me" he whispered. I could feel the tension building between us again, I can try all I want to keep away, but he just keeps pulling me in. I felt both his arms slowly moving around my waist, pulling me towards him. He was still sat in the doctors chair and I was now stood over him. His hands lowered, slowly caressing my lower back and down to my bum. I felt goosebumps across my skin. He held his hands on my hips.

"Michael, I can't, the nurse will be back any second" I said, beginning to panic.

"You're got a perfect figure" he said, still holding me close to him. He was killing me, I just wanted to be fully alone with him, out of work, out of this prison. He slowly pulled my shirt up, revealing a very small area of my bare stomach. He slowly leant forward and planted a small kiss on my belly. The kiss made me shiver, I wanted more.

"Michael..." I whispered, but no other words followed.

"Come here" he said in his deep, sexy voice. He pulled me to sit on his lap. I quickly looked behind us, luckily the coast was still clear for now. He gently hooked a finger under my chin, guiding my face towards his. I felt his soft lips press against mine. It was magical again, just like the first time. He started to kiss me harder, holding my body firmly. I held on to his shoulders for support, they felt so toned and strong. His tongue glided over my lower lip, and I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to twirl with mine.

I heard footsteps down the hallway and I quickly jumped up from his lap, cutting our make out session short.

"Fuck" I mumbled to myself, I can't believe what I'm allowing myself to do. I could have easily been caught and that would have been the end for me. "I really need to go" I said.

"You have precisely 10 seconds" Michael joked. I shot him a quick smile before I darted out of the room.

My mind was racing, so many mixed thoughts and feelings in my head. The panic, the excitement, the nerves all blurred into one in my brain. But one thing is for sure, and it scared me the most...

I think I'm in love with Michael Scofield.

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