Chapter Twenty-One

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Michael Scofield's POV

I felt so angry and upset. Why is she changing her mind? Does she still love me? What have I done wrong?

I was struggling to think straight.... key, key, I need that key. I need to get to the infirmary. Think Michael, think... how can I get there? I suddenly remembered the medical records I had faked. Brilliant, I'll fake an asthma attack, they will take me straight there.

I went back to my cell, so Elise couldn't see me. I didn't want to be anywhere near her at the moment. She could have cost me the whole escape. Sucre was laying on his bed.

"Sucre, change of plan, I'm going to get that key for us" I said. Sucre sat up at my words.

"How?" He asked.

"I'm going to pretend i'm having an asthma attack, you run out and get one of the guards so they have to take me to the infirmary. Oh, and not officer Moretti" I said.

"Why, what happened? I thought she was part of the plan?" He asked. I looked down to avoid eye contact. I hear Sucre sigh to himself. "You like her, don't you"

"Don't be silly" I said, shuffling on the spot slightly.

"I'm not being silly, you know I'm not. Michael, it's dangerous, you can't be getting attached to a prison guard? It will never work eh, papi?" He said.

"I know it won't, don't worry, I just think she's cute, like every other guy in here" I replied, my words hurt. I needed to stop worrying about Elise now and focus on getting Linc out of here.

"You've got this Michael, forget about her" said Sucre, putting an arm around me.

"You ready for this?" I said, sitting on my bunk.

"I'll never let you down boss" Sucre winked at me as he ran out of the cell. I lay on my bed, holding my breath for as long as I could. "Guard! Guard! Something is wrong with Mr Scofield! Hurry quick I think he's choking!" I heard Sucre yell as I continued to hold me breath.

I heard footsteps running towards my cell, the second I saw Bellick's face I released my breath. I coughed and panted in a panicked way.

He grabbed me and pulled me out of the cell, guiding me out of the block. I continued my breathless act.

"What are you up to, fish?" He shouted at me, pulling me to a side in the corridor.

"I need an inhaler" I spluttered.

"Why do you keep going up to the infirmary huh?" He quizzed.

"Please" I coughed in my 'short of breath' state.

"I'm on to you, I suggest you pack in whatever you're planning. Because it ain't gonna happen" Bellick sneered at me. I continued to cough, Bellick slammed his palm on my back, jolting me forward.
"Not such a tough guy hmm....officer, an inhaler for Mr Scofield!" he yelled. Great, no infirmary trip for me. I need to think of another plan.


I was back in my cell, I won't lie I was now stressed. The escape is happening tomorrow and I'm not ready.

"Eoo" I heard a voice at the door of my cell. I turned around to see Abruzzi standing there.

"Word on the street, you've fucked up little fish" he said to me. I remained silent. "What's going on?"

"I didn't get the infirmary key, we have no way out without it..." I said. Abruzzi let out a cackling laugh, then ran at me. He pushed me up against the wall, his fist gripped around my throat.

"Tell me you're joking" he spat. I tried to prize myself free but the 6ft 2 man was too strong for me.

"I'll think of something" I said, now struggling to breathe.

"I'm sick of your shit Scofield, who has the key?!" he growled in my ear, tightening his grip around my throat. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a gun loading...

"Abruzzi, get off of him" I heard a female voice say firmly. I looked over Abruzzi's shoulder to see Elise stood there with another guard, both pointing guns towards us.

With that, Abruzzi let go of my neck and stepped away from me. His eyes still on me.

"No trouble here officers, just a little play time" he sneered.

"Please return to your cell" I heard the other guard say. I looked back over at Elise, her eyes met mine but her face remained serious. She lowered her gun, tucking her loose hair behind her ear as she looked away.

Both guards slowly walked away from the entrance of my cell, Abruzzi began to follow.

"If we're not out of here tomorrow, you're dead" he said to me as he left.

Sucre had remained quiet on his bunk the entire time, I knew he was the one to tell Abruzzi I was still missing the key.

"Papi, is there any way we can get out without the key?" he asked.

"It's our way out Sucre, the cable line leads from the infirmary window straight over the wall" I said.

I slammed my fist against our metal sink in frustration. This can't be happening, we're so near yet so far from getting out. I need to save my brother.


We were all called out for dinner, I haven't had any appetite for a while. I quickly grabbed a plate of food and sat myself down in the far corner of the canteen.
I was soon joined by Sucre, who began stuffing his face with the grey looking chicken we'd been served up.

"The anger in your eyes makes you a wholeeee lot prettier" T-Bag dumped himself at my table... great.

"What do you want T?" I said, flicking the food around my plate.

"If I'm not on the other side of that wall tomorrow, I might just have to let your secret... slip" he said with an evil grin.

"If you tell anyone about the plan there's no way I can get anyone out of here" I whispered firmly.

"Hahah, wrong secret 'pretty boy' " he sneered.

"What's he talking about Papi?" Sucre said.

"You haven't told your own celly? Haha, you've been warned my friend" he said, now rising to his feet.

"What's going on here? What don't I know about?" Sucre quizzed.

"Nothing, I have no idea what he is talking about" I said, turning my head away at this point.

"Wait til' I tell that big brother of yours the real reason you fucked up this escape was because you were too busy fucking that g..." I threw myself towards him, pushing him onto the ground before he could finish his sentence. I smashed my fist across T-Bag's face, I'd wanted to do that for so long now.

The fight became a blur, a lot of the other inmates had joined in at this point. Food was flying around the room, I felt my body getting battered as the fight became worse.

I heard the guards come flooding in and begin to break up the fighting. The room suddenly filled with a cloudy gas, causing us all to stop. I began to choke as the cold gas hit my lungs.

"EVERYONE BACK TO THEIR CELLS IMMEDIATELY, NO FREE TIME FOR ONE WEEK!" I heard officer Bellick shout as the gas began to clear.

I felt someone grab my arm and pull me up. I looked around to see Elise stood next to me. For the first time ever I looked at her face and I felt nothing, no emotions at all.

"Are you ok Michael? What just happened? Are you hurt?" She said to me quickly, trying not to draw too much attention to us.

"I can't be seen with you" I said as I went to turn around.

"Why what's happened?" She asked, grabbing my arm again.

"I can't do this anymore Elise" I whispered.

"Michael I'm sorry about the key, I can get it for you" she said, I could see she was upset.

"It's too late Elise... It's over, the escape is off"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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