Chapter Thirteen

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I froze. I was completely speechless. He loves me? Michael Scofield loves me? Me?

I suddenly felt consumed with sadness, reality hit me in the face. I could never have him. We could never date each other, or pursue a relationship. He's a prisoner, he's locked up for years. I'd lose my job if anyone knew we were dating. It was so unfair.

"What's wrong?" He asked, holding my hand tightly.

"I'm scared" I said.

"Scared, why darling?" He whispered.

"Because, I love you too..." I said trembling. "But, we can never be together can we?"

"Don't cry, remember what I promised you" he said, he was now holding me tightly. "As soon as I'm out we're going on a proper date, the best place in town, finish the night at your place, movies on the couch... just hold on to that, it will be sooner than you think"

"How can you get out of here sooner though? It's unheard of at Fox River to get set free early?" I questioned him.

"I knew I wanted you from the moment I first saw you" he said, avoiding my question again. I felt myself blush a little, I couldn't believe how hard I've fallen for him. Even more so now after tonight.

"Love at first sight?" I joked.

"Definitely" he said, he however wasn't joking.

"I better get back to work..." I said, I felt a lump in my throat. I could have easily just sat there and cried. I was full of mixed emotions, so happy yet so sad. Love yet heartbreak.

"Elise... Thank you, for an amazing night" he said, giving me a gentle kiss on the lips. "I know how much you have just risked for me, I promise you, no one will know"

"I haven't felt so happy in a very long time" I replied, kissing him again.

"I'm yours" he breathed into the kiss. I hugged him tightly savouring as much of this moment as I could.

I stood up slowly and headed towards the door of Michael's cell, I turned around and gazed back at him, my eyes watering slight. Stop it Elise, pull yourself together. I gave him a brief smile as I opened the door quietly.

I stepped out and locked the door behind me. Michael stood at the door behind bars. I missed him already. He winked at me, making my stomach flip.

I stood back at my main post, a couple of moments later the other guard came to join me. Back to reality.


My night shift had finished, I lay in bed at home, staring at my ceiling in deep thought.

I decided to call Chloe, I hadn't spoken to her much since starting at Fox River, but she was the only one who knew about me and Michael.

"You had sex with him?! While on the job!??" Chloe said down the phone after I told her. Hearing someone say it back to me was strange, thinking about it I am so lucky to still have a job right now.

"I know I didn't expect it at all, it kinda just happened?" I said.

"Girl, I wish I was there with you right now, this kind of gossip calls for a girls night in with pizza and wine" she joked.

"I know, I wish you was here too, it can be lonely being here alone" I said.

After the phone call I lay still in bed, I felt a weird emptiness. I wanted him here, I wanted Michael beside me. I craved his touch, his skin against mine, I wanted to hold him in my arms again with no cares in the world.

I wonder if he feels this too?


Around a week passed since I last saw Michael that night. I hadn't been allocated to work in the isolation unit all week and I was beginning to get frustrated. I wanted to see Michael, what if he thinks I'm avoiding him? I hadn't seen him since that night.

"We're moving some of the inmates today, changing a few cells around" said officer Bellick during our team meeting.

"A few inmates will be swapping cell mates, and we're moving a few out of isolation and back into the main cell block" said another of the guards.

We were all allocated roles to assist moving some of the inmates around, I was allocated to watch the main cell block while it all took place.

I watched the inmates mingling around the cell block, when something caught my eye. I saw T-Bag begin to act really shifty, he had one of the younger inmates talking to him, it looked like their conversation could possibly become heated.

I saw the main door open as one of the guards entered with two inmates in tow. I glanced over and I felt butterflies fill my stomach as I discovered one of them was Michael. I instantly remember the amazing night I got to spend with him.

He caught my eye, he showed no emotion towards me. It hurt... maybe he was just playing it cool as to not cause suspicion... or maybe he was angry as me...

The guard uncuffed Michael and allowed him to mingle back in with the other cell mates. I wanted more than anything to run over to him, but I remained professional and kept my distance.

I noticed the conversation between T-Bag and the younger inmate was still ongoing, and by this point most of the other PI members were also involved. I kept an eye on them incase anything happened. I saw Michael join them and became quite angry with this same younger guy. What was going on?

I saw officer Bellick head over there and pull the younger inmate away, heading straight for my direction. I could see them whispering to each other as they headed closer.

"Come on boss I can't share a cell with him anymore" the guy moaned.

"David, I told you to spy on the others for me and I'll get you a new cell" Bellick spat back. They paused around 3 metres behind me, thinking I couldn't hear them.

"I've got some information, but you promise me I'll get a new cell" David begged. My ears pricked up, what was the information?

"What information?" said Bellick.

"He's manipulating you all, he pretends to be the good guy and... " David whispered.

"Who is?" Bellick persisted.

"Scofield, sir... he's planning an escape"

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