No, he's not doing that again.

Hazel makes him wanna be a better guy and he'll be that for her.

He decided before leaving the house this morning that he'll tell her today. He told himself that since they have no classes together today, he'll spend the day working up the courage to tell her when school closes.

Since when do you have to work up courage to talk to a girl? His subconscious asks him.

Even though he has never had trouble expressing himself to a girl, it's different now because this isn't just any girl -- it's Hazel.

So the answer to that question is 'Since now.'

Maybe it's because Chris believes that Steph is too good for him. Maybe that's the problem.

He doesn't like thinking that but somehow he always does.

With all the thinking, Chris finds himself changing his mind again. He doesn't think he'll be able to tell her today. Nope, he'll tell her another day.

It won't make a difference.

Maybe he should tell Brooke and ask her for help; that's if she won't tell her best friend though. Brooke could give him advice on how to go about it. This whole thing is frustrating him.

"Chris?" Jason calls after he and Max hears him sigh. They've been watching him since they began to eat lunch. Chris isn't much of a talkative but he always contributes to whatever he and Max talks about during Lunchtime. He's been silent this whole time and they both didn't fail to notice that he seems deep in thought.

Chris didn't hear his name being called due to the thoughts running in his head faster than the speed of light.

They watch him pick his food for a few seconds before Max calls him again, louder this time.


Chris wakes from his reverie and stares at them in confusion.
"What is it?"

"Dude, you're picking your food," Max points out.

Chris stares at his lunch for a while as if he didn't realize he was doing that. Then he shrugs. "I guess I'm not hungry."

"It's Lasagna, Chris." Jason says incredulously. Then he turns to Max and says, "This is worst than we thought, Max. He's really crazy about her."

Jason and Max look around the cafeteria and spot Steph smiling at Luke.

"This isn't about her," Chris lies. "I'm just not hungry. I'm okay."

"Are you jealous?" Jason asks.

"No, I'm not."

"Honestly, you'll feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders when you tell her how you feel," Max avers.

Chris snaps. "Can you guys just stop, huh? It's getting annoying. Just leave me alone for Christ's sake."

He stands and walks away causing Max and Jason to sigh. They look at each other, shake their heads and watch Chris walk out of the cafeteria.


When the bell rings to signify the end of the last period for the day, Chris gathers his things with a smile on his face. Just as he's about to leave the class, a blonde girl blocks his way.

"Hi Chris," she grins.

Chris internally groans but keeps a poker face. "Hey. Can I help you with something?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Uhm," she stutters before tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "I was wondering if you'd like to grab dinner with me some time."

Oh God, Chris thinks as his lips form a thin line.

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