"Happy Christmas, my Lizzie." He said quietly, and it was all I could do not to cry.

"Oi, am I just invisible or something?" A voice came from behind him.

"TONKS!" I bellowed, only letting go of Remus to wrap her in my arms. She squeezed me back for a moment, then let go of me.

"Oh, Remus, look at her! Hogwarts suits you." She said, noticing my green sweater I had hastily pulled on over my turtleneck.

Remus smiled at me broadly, taking in every inch of me.

"Perhaps. Come, darling. Tell me all about Hogwarts." Remus said, leading me over to the dining room table. I immediately jumped into stories, explaining Hogsmeade and Bonnie and Astoria. I even told him about Blaise, but quickly told him that it ended. Tonks winked at me and Remus looked tired.

"Boys, Lizzie? Boys? Not yet. You're not at that age, tell me you're not at that age." He almost begged, taking my hands in his and shaking them. I just giggled in response. I refused to tell him about Draco, though. I knew that this was not the time, or the place.

Just as I was thinking about Draco, Harry strolled over to the table.

"Remus, d'you mind having a word with me?" Harry asked, his eyes darting to me. Remus looked taken aback, but composed himself and smiled.

"Of course, Harry. I'll be right back, Lizzie." He said when my face fell. I didn't want to be separated from Remus at all. I felt like I had just got him back, and there was a sort of resentment I had toward Harry for taking him away from me.

Tonks engaged me in a conversation about quidditch, and I couldn't help but smile. Today was the best day I had in so long.


"Are you sure you can't stay?" I begged, grabbing my godfather's arm like a child. He laid his hand on my hair and kissed my forehead.

"I wish, my darling, but I can't. Tonight is the beginning of the cycle, and you know I get a bit...ill." Remus said, and I understood. As much as I hated to admit it, being around a large group of people was probably not the most wise move.

"When will I see you again?" I asked, hugging him for a millionth time.

"I'm not sure, my Lizzie. I can only hope that it will be very soon. In the meantime, do try not to get into any trouble." Remus said, squeezing me back. I walked with him and Tonks out onto the porch to bid our farewells. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley stood in the doorway, beaming.

Suddenly, Remus looked around. The garden was dark and quiet, but Remus was alert and on edge. I knew this side to him. He always had a sense for when danger was near. He says it's the werewolf senses, and I completely trusted them. The look on his face made me automatically draw my wand out.

"What is it?" I hissed, my voice very grave. Tonks looked around too, her face set. I barely heard Tonks whisper "Sweetheart?" as she touched Remus' arm.

With a loud crack, a bomb of fire came spitting down from the sky, lighting the dead ground on fire. The fire wrapped in a ring completely around the Burrow, surrounding it. I looked around in horror, wondering what water spells I could conjure to put the flames out.

My mind went blank when I heard the next crack.

Bellatrix Lestrange was standing 20 paces in front of me. She looked directly at me, her eyes flashing evilly. She smiled in a sick, twisted way, taunting me.

I felt my blood run hot. The image of my parents, so young and happy, popped into my mind. The evil smile that was staring at me was the last face my parents had ever seen. She probably smiled at them too, the way she was smiling at me.

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