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Perrie had always been a little over protective of her girlfriend.

Nothing too crazy, she just didn't like it when Jade wasn't feeling her best. Before the two had gotten together, Jade had been bullied all of her life and when Perrie learned this, she took it upon herself to make sure no one made fun of her love. Any time any of their other friends so much as teased the way Jade said a word, she'd pull the smaller girl into her side and glare at the perpetrator as if they had killed a puppy. If the two went out and had a drink, Perrie made sure that she stayed 100% sober to ensure no one tried anything on the brunette. Whenever Jade fell ill, it was like she had a personal butler. Perrie was constantly at her side, making sure she stayed hydrated and offering plenty of cuddles to hopefully make her feel better.

On top of Perrie just wanting what's best for Jade, she also knew that Jade was not the most comfortable in any situation out of the ordinary. The brunette was always on the quieter side through her life, but in general, Jade would really only speak to people if she was comfortable. Not exactly mute, but not exactly the most confident in speaking.

Overall, Perrie would consider herself rather attentive to Jade's needs.

However, Perrie doesn't have eyes in the back of her head. She can't make sure Jade is always safe. She's been known to get a bit drunk at parties and when she isn't in the best state of mind, people tend to try and hit on Jade. One time, Perrie was visiting her parents in New York and Jade had to stay back in California to finish something for school. Two days after Perrie left, Jade wasn't paying attention to where she was going and accidentally fell down a flight of stairs at their school, spraining her ankle and leaving multiple pretty nasty bruises all over her body. It took many phone calls for Jade to assure Perrie that she was alright and she could stay in New York for the rest of her trip. Jade also has an incredibly weak immune system, so it's not uncommon for Jade to get sick multiple times a year (which Perrie hates). And Jade in general was just... accident prone. She trips over herself daily, breaks nearly every phone she's ever had, and cuts herself on accident whenever she's remotely near anything sharp (this includes paper). Perrie always helped, catching Jade whenever she tripped, buying Jade the best phone cases on the market, and attempts to keep sharp objects away from her (which is kind of hard, how do you keep someone away from paper?).

One morning, Jade left Perrie in bed with a kiss on the cheek, needing to get to campus for an early morning lecture. Perrie smiled slightly in her sleep and cuddled into Jade's pillow.

Jade quickly got ready and was out the door and in her car in less than 20 minuets, speeding away towards campus.


30 minuets into Jade's lecture, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out slowly and glanced at the text message on her lock screen.

From Pez:
Hey cutie, want to meet for lunch? My psychology class got cancelled and I want to see your beautiful face.

Jade smiled to herself and thought about her schedule. Her next class wasn't until 2 and she was going to go to the library and study in between then and now, but she would much rather see her love and have a nice meal.

Jade unlocked her phone and quickly typed out her message back.

To Pez:
Well I suppose I can make time to see you... just cause I love you

From Pez:
Ah well guess I'm lucky then. There's a new bakery down the street from campus, wanna check it out?

To Pez:
Sounds good :) I'll meet you when this lecture is over, love you babes

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