well, that didn't go as planned

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"Perrie, calm down everything is going to go well, I just know it,"

"Except you don't Jesy!" I yelled, pacing back and forth. Jesy sighed.

"Jade is head over heels in love with you, and has been for the past 3 years. So take a deep breath and go pick her up," I nodded, fumbling with the box in my pocket.

"Yeah, everything is going to be okay," I said, trying to convince myself more than anything, before exiting Jesy's house and starting the drive back to mine. 


"Jadey! I'm home!" I called, closing the front door of our house behind me. Jade appeared from the kitchen with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey Pez," She said, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek, "We're still on for tonight, right?" I smiled back at her.

"Yup, Taco Tuesday, as normal. I'm ready when you are." Jade let out a small squeal of excitement before turning and running up the stairs, presumably to get ready. I smiled as I watched her turn into our bedroom. I pulled the small box out from my pocket and stared at it as I took a seat on the couch, waiting for Jade. The square diamond peered back at me, reminding me of what I was going to do later in the night. After our normal Tuesday date I was going to ask her to take a walk through the park with me and propose under the tree we first met at. What was I going to say? What if she says no? What if she doesn't want to go on a walk after we eat?

I was pulled from my thoughts when Jade called me from upstairs. I quickly stuffed the box back into my pocket and followed Jade's voice to our room. 

"What's up J," I asked her, leaning on the threshold to our bedroom. She had practically destroyed her side of the closet, littering the bed with her clothes. 

"Have you seen my black jacket? The one with the gold trim?" She asked, still digging through her clothes. 

"You mean my black jacket with the gold trim?" I asked smirking back at her. She waved me off. 

"Your jacket, my jacket, same thing." she said, "You take my clothes all the time, I'm just re paying the favor." I shook my head and instantly pulled the requested jacket from my side of the closet hand handed it to her. She smiled sheepishly and took the jacket from me. "I'm ready now," 


Jade and I arrived at the Mexican restaurant in less than 20 minutes with one small problem. As soon as we walked up, it was clear that a lot of other people had the same idea. The line was out the door. Jade's eyebrow furrowed. 

"Hey baby do you just want to make dinner at home?" she asked, "The line is really long,"

"No!" I practically yelled. Jade raised her eyebrow at me, "I mean um, this was kind of a wasted outing, why don't we um... why don't we take a walk or something? A-around around the park?" Jade gave me an odd look before nodding and taking my hand and leading the way. 

My plans of proposing under the one particular tree were instantly destroyed when a young couple were making out against our tree. I scowled. 

"They took our tree," Jade joked, elbowing me slightly. Of course, the only two things I had planned tonight were ruined. 

Fuck it. 

"Jade?" I asked, suddenly turning to face her, "I have a very important question to ask you but first I want to say a couple things," I held both of her hands in mine, "Jade, when we first met I thought you were the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on and I can tell you that it is a fact that you are indeed the most beautiful girl ever. I love you with all of my heart and um," I started to go down on one knee when Jade's eyes widened, "I wanted to ask you-"

"Shut the fuck up," Jade cut me off.

"What?" I asked. 

That's it Perrie, you fucked it up, she'll never want to marry you 

Jade started digging through her purse for a second before pulling out a nearly identical small black box. 

"You beat me to it damn it," She said with a massive smile on her face.

"Wait, you wanted to propose to me?" I asked, still down on one knee. Jade kept laughing and showed me the ring she bought. "I still want to ask the babe," I muttered. 

"Oh yes yes sorry, continue please," Jade urged me on. I took a deep breath. 

"So, Jade Thirlwall, will you make me the happiest person on Earth and marry me?" Jade squealed and connected our lips in a frantic kiss. "I'll take that as a yes?" Jade started laughing again.

"You didn't take the ring I bought you as a yes?" I blushed and slid the ring on her finger.

"Shut up."

AN: sorry if it was crap, I've tried writing this for the past like 3 days but I've been having vertigo or something and it was hard for me to look at any sort of screen 

also, you guys should check out the short story I just published, it's based off of boxer which I think was the last one shot I published in this book.

stay safe and wash your hands!

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