cover of darkness

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"Perrie look this way please!"

"Jade! Who's your new boyfriend?"

"Perrie how are you handling your break up?"

"Jade are you pregnant?"

Jade had to snicker at that one. Out of all the things paparazzi yell at her, pregnancy questions are always the weirdest.

Jade continued to push through the mass of paparazzi attempting to get into the car that was going to take her home. As soon as she got in the door of the car, she felt like she could breathe but she couldn't relax just yet. The door of the car was still wide open, waiting for Perrie to get in behind her. Jade held up her handbag to attempt to block some of the pictures the paps were attempting to get, silently praying that Perrie would hurry up and get in the damn car already. Less than a minuet later the blonde flew into the car, slammed the door behind her, and the car took off to drop them at home.

Perrie turned around in her seat, watching the flashes of the paps disappear as the car sped off down the road. As soon as the flashes ceased, Perrie scooted closer in the car and grabbed Jade's hand, leaving a short peck on her cheek.

"Hi baby," she muttered, leaning her head on the brunette's shoulder.

"Hi," Jade said, leaning her head on top of Perrie's. Their eyes were getting heavy as it was nearing two am, and the pair had gotten up at four am to make sure they got to work on time. Needless to say, they were exhausted. 20 minuets later, the driver pulled up outside of their shared flat. After years of driving around the Little Mix girls, he knew it would probably be easier to wake up Jade, so he turned in his seat and shook her knee slightly. Jade's eyes shot open and smiled sheepishly at the driver.

"We're here," He whispered. She nodded and thanked him quietly, turning to Perrie. She lightly shook Perrie's shoulder to no avail. Jade quickly realized that Perrie would probably not be waking up anytime soon, so she swung the door of the car open and carried Perrie up to their flat. Besides opening her eyes for a half second and cuddling further into Jade, the younger girl didn't stir.

It took Jade a little longer than usual to get up to their flat. Well, it had been Jade's shared apartment with her best friend but after she left, the couple decided to live there for a while until they found a proper house.

As carefully as she could, Jade placed Perrie down on the bed and stretched. It was quite a long way up and Jade was already sore from the dance rehearsals they were in the day before.

The brunette surveyed the sleeping figure of her girlfriend. The dress she had worn out that night didn't look all that comfortable to sleep in so Jade tried waking up Perrie again. Perrie let out a groan and waved Jade away.

"Let me sleep Jadey,"

"Change first baby, you'll sleep better," Jade insisted, handing Perrie some sweats. The blonde groaned but sat up regardless, turning around so Jade could unzip her dress. Jade's nimble fingers quickly pulled down the zipper before quickly changing herself.

The pair finally settled in bed as the clock neared 3 am, both Geordies extremely tired. Perrie's arms were wrapped around the brunettes waist with her head resting on her chest. Blonde hair was all that Jade could see. To say the least, the couple were content.

"I hate that I can't hold you like this all day," Perrie muttered, "It would make days like this so much easier,"

"I know eventually baba, eventually we will be able to come out and hold each other whenever we want. And kiss when we feel like it," Jade said, planting a kiss on the blonde hair sprawled over her chest.

"One day," Perrie murmured before her face into Jade's chest and drifting off to sleep.

"One day," Jade confirmed, following her girlfriend's lead and falling into her own deep slumber.

AN: Short and sweet little one shot :) 

I would really appreciate it if you guys checked out my new on going book called 'jailbirds'. I'm having a lot of fun writing it and I'm going to publish a new chapter tonight so you guys should check it out.

stay safe and wash your hands!

Jerrie One shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें