not your fault

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 Jade and Perrie were finally ready to start their family together. Little Mix was going on hiatus until further notice, they were married for over a year, they had purchased their dream home in the outskirts of London, and it's not like they're getting any younger.

After months of researching and planning, they decided that Jade would be the one to cary at least their first child. They searched long and hard for a sperm donor as similar looking to Perrie as they could, which was a lot harder than anticipated. And so, along came a couple months of procedures for the small brunette, mentally and physically draining her, but the end result was a little positive sign on a stick. It was instantly worth it for Jade as soon as she saw the look on Perrie's face when she showed her the pregnancy test.

The blonde was beyond excited for the arrival of their child. She, admittedly, had gone a bit overboard with some of the items she was buying and the preparations she was making for the nursery.

She had already painted the whole room a pale yellow to keep it gender neutral, set up a changing table, and started decorating the room with a rocking chair and the couch they used to have in their flat before they bought a new one. Jade stopped her before she could go any further, telling the blonde that she was getting ahead of herself.

With her project of the nursery temporarily suspended until further noticed, Perrie turned her full attention onto her wife's well being.

Jade was never one to sit around all day and do nothing, as she was used to working nearly every day, so the aspect of retiring from Little Mix was starting to get to her. Between her and Perrie, they were set for life financially and Jade couldn't just keep popping up at her bar in South Shields considering how far a drive it is just to check up on it. Her boredom with not doing anything was cured when she entered her second month of pregnancy.

Jade checked her email one morning to find a message that nearly made her drop her phone.

"What's wrong babe?" Perrie asked, noticing Jade's reaction to whatever she was reading on her phone.

"I um. I got offered a solo contract," The brunette muttered, re reading the email again to make sure she wasn't making anything up. Perrie instantly whipped her head around, her eyes wide.

"Wait seriously?" Jade nodded slowly and handed Perrie her phone. The blonde quickly scanned the email, a smile never leaving her face. "Are you going to take it?" Jade shrugged.

"I don't know if it's the best idea right now," Jade said, "I mean, I just got pregnant, I don't think I should jump right back into work," Perrie nodded slowly and handed Jade back her phone.

"Why don't you go to the meeting and hear them out," Perrie suggested, "Maybe they'll let you take it easy for the first part of your contract. You know mainly writing sessions and recording. Then let you take some time off to give birth, and when our baby has been here for a while you can go back in full time," Jade nodded and reread the email, clearly unsure about everything, "Whatever you choose, I'll be right here by your side,"

Jade accepted their offer.

The deal was a 6 year contract. For the first year she would mainly spend her time writing and recording her album to be released the following year. After that she would release two following albums and go on three tours. The couple were incredibly excited, celebrating through the night after Jade officially signed her contract, however, that excitement was short lived.

Quickly, Jade was reminded of the negative aspects of her old lifestyle. Despite being told that her first year would be relatively light, she still felt the pressure of writing and recording an entire album in a year. On top of that, her countless late nights and early mornings cut down on her time with Perrie and neither party was excited about that. But Perrie said she understood.

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