parties are funny like that, aren't they?

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"Perrie I really want you to meet one of my friends from college, she's really cool, I met her in my music theory class and she's really smart,"Ariana rambled on.

I was back in town for the first time in a year, and of course there was some sort of big party that everyone in town was going to and I was dragged along to it. Against my will I may add.

"I really want to set you up with her, my friend," my best friend added, "Shes really pretty and I think you would like her."

I gave her a sideways glance and sighed.

"You know just because I'm gay doesnt mean I like every girl I lay my eyes on right?" I asked as we parked down the street from the house party.

"Yeah," she continued, "But let me tell you, Im straight but this girl is absolutly gorgeous."

As we walked down the street getting closer and closer to the source of the loud music, I started getting a little nervous for no exact reason, probably just seeing a bunch of people that I hadnt seen in over a year now, most of them I probably don't even like.

"Whatever you say," I mutter just as we arrive to the front door.

Ariana opened the door to let us in and we were immediatly met with the smell of alcohol, sweat, weed, and extreemly loud music.

"I'm gonna find my friend, can you get me a drink?," Ariana yelled to me, "Vodka and coke please." And with that she turned around and dissapeared into the crowed of people. I sighed and made my way to the kitchen to make Ariana her perferred drink and to find myself some alcohol as well. I need something hard, I could already tell this was going to be a long night.


Ten minuets and two shots of tequila later I found Ariana talking to someone, most likely the friend she kept telling me about. I walked up to her and handed her the vodka and coke she had requested and turned to face the friend she obviously wanted to set me up with.

As soon as I did my entire face fell.

Ariana was right, this girl was drop dead goregous, and I knew that. I knew every part of her. I knew that she loved Disney. I knew how when she woke up, she would put her arms over her head, streatch, and rub her eyes to wake up. I knew that she was an absolute musical theater nerd, and she used to be in her school productions back in high school. I knew that when she wasnt wearing her glasses, she couldnt read things all that well and had to squint and make the cutest face. I knew that kissing the skin right underneath her ears would turn her on. I knew exactly how to curl my fingers inside of her to make her cum underneath me. I knew everything about her.

It was her. But of corse Ariana didn't know that.

"Perrie I want you to meet Jade, Jade meet Perrie," Arriana said to me happily. She was obviously proud of herself for making us meet.

Jade was stunned when she saw me as well, and I could tell, but she recovered quicker than I did. She stuck her hand out to shake mine.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She said with a small smile. Damn she's still really cute.

"Hi," I said back, trying to be as nice as possible, shaking her hand back.

"Well, I'll leave you two to talk." Ariana said with a small smile, backing away and getting lost to the sea of people once again.

And then there were two.

After an awkwad moment of silence between us, Jade finally spoke up.

"So, Perrie. How have you been?" she asked, avoiding eye contact. I scoffed.

"Depressed. If you wanted me to be completly honest." I bluntly stated. "I'm sure you can guess why." She frowned.

"Perrie... I didnt mean-"

"Save it, I dont want to hear it" I cut her off. She sighed.

"Perrie, look. I know I messed up. Can we just..." she took a deep breath and continued, "can we just start over? Pretend like we just met tonight? And go from there?" she asked. She sounded genuine enough. But was I ready to give my heart to her again? Was I ready to love her again?

We had broken up over a year ago, but it still felt like yesterday. And I obviously still love her, she was my everything... until she wasnt.

"Parties are funny like that, arent they?" I said, "Of corse you were the one friend Ariana wanted to introduce me to."

Jade smiled and laughed slightly.

I was right, I did need those shots of tequila earlier. It was going to be a long night. 


Heyyy. I haven't been writing that much recently, school started again so I don't have as much time on my hands, but I'm trying my best.



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