"yeah you should wear things like this more often. He will lose his mind," Louis said and Harry nodded in agreement.

"I don't want to do anything with him," Zayn said shaking his head.

He then grabbed his cell phone to check if he had any message from his boyfriend and yes there were three text from him. Telling him to be safe and how much he love him.

Zayn smiled and put the phone back on the table. "seems like someone's baby daddy send a message," Louis smirked making Zayn blush a little.

"why are your clothes here ?" Harry asked taking a sip from his coffee which they bought from Starbucks.

"because he is being mean and won't let me keep my things anywhere," Zayn said pouting.

"Don't be sad Zee. He is just messing with you," Harry said passing him the coffee cup. Zayn received it and took a sip from it. "what did he said," Louis asked frowning.

"he said he didn't cared. It was not his problem," Zayn said taking out his skinny black jeans.

"well then make it his problem," Louis said and Zayn smirked knowing exactly what he meant.

"I will make his life hell," Zayn said with determination.

"or you both can just get along," Harry said earning a glare from both of his friends.

"listen whatever you do just don't get physical with him," Harry warned him.

"I have a boyfriend whom I am loyal to," Zayn said.

"if only he was as loyal as you," Louis mumbled under his breath which Harry heard and kicked him lightly.

"okay now go get ready or we will get late," Harry said clearing his throat.

Zayn nodded pilling out his black t-shirt and went inside the bathroom.

After few minutes he came out dressed in black tee and black skinny jeans and Nike.

He threw his shirt on the couch and saw Harry holding his dark maroon stockings.

"I have this in dark blue. When was the last you wore them," he said keeping it back in Zayn's bag.

"maybe when I went home in holidays," he said taking out his books the box and keeping them inside his backpack.

Zayn avoid wearing anything too exposing while he was in his dorm because of his drug addict room mate. But now that he was in Liam's apartment he was going wear anything he wanted.

Zayn took his backpack and they all left the apartment.

"oh shit ! Liam didn't gave me a spare key," z

He groaned. "we can go the place he work and take the keys," louis said getting in his car.

Ten o'clock turned into three o'clock and they were done with the collage for that day. When they all met at the parking lot and drove straight to the store Liam worked.

They walked inside the store and found Liam at the backside talking with someone.

Zayn recorgnised the person he was talking to called out for him ,"Justine." the blond man turned around and opened his arms. Zayn ran into his arms making Liam frown.

"so he is your boyfriend ," he asked folding his arms over his chest.

"yes he is my boyfriend," Justine said pecking his lips.

"how was work," Zayn asked pulling away a little.

"work !? But he -," Liam tried to say something but Louis spoke over him.

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