Minnie : "Minnie want now"

Mew : "But the shop already close Minnie. Look at watch, it past 11p.m."

Minnie : "Minnie want now...Now...Now...."

Minnie started sobbing.  Actually she did not want to eat the food very much.  There is something that makes her that way.  And she will make sure that her father agrees with her.

Mew : "Okay okay. We will go but, just stop crying. Look your beautiful eyes already swollen."

Minnie : "Let's go daddy"

Minnie pulled her father's hand away with a smile that she tried to hide.  Smiling cunningly, imagining what would happen next.  Her eyes shone so beautifully as if there would be light coming out from those beautiful eyes.

The person who pulled his hand with the little girl just followed in her short and small footsteps towards his car.  As expected, many shops in his residential area were closed and the food requested by his daughter could not be bought by him.

But there was an awkwardness in the corner of his heart, he did not feel so good when he stepped out of the yard of their house as if something bad was about to happen.  His mouth with no voice, praying that it is just a toy of his heart and the safety of himself and also his beloved child in a safe and good condition.

Minnie : "What are you whisper daddy?"

Mew : "Nothing just some pray"

Minnie : "For what? Are you afraid of ghost? Where? Minnie will catch them all. Dare to make my daddy afraid, confront me first"

Mew : "Hahaha my princess so brave. Ghost also afraid with you honey."

Minnie : "Who i'm? I'm Minnie. Daughter of great Mew Suppasit"

Mew : "Yeah, that my daughter. But honey, all the shop closed now and no one even one shop near here open. Why not we return back to home. Tomorrow daddy will buy you ten times what you want to buy"

Minnie : "No need daddy. Minnie know one shop that they open 24 hours. Just go straight, i will give you direction"

Mew : "Yes boss"

As expected, there is a shop that is still open and but the area seems to be empty.  The area is also pitch dark and there is only one street light other than the shop lights.  The distance between the shop and the residential area there is also quite far.

Minnie : "Let's go daddy"

Mew : "Promise me that you never go far away from daddy. Keep near daddy"

Minnie : "Yeah yeah i know that daddy. Don't worry, i know that shop and the shop owner also know me. So, its impossible i will gone just a blink of your eyes"

Mew : "............."

Minnie : "Nothing will happen daddy. I will take care of myself"

They both got out from the car they were riding in and walked towards the shop.  At first, Mew held his daughter's hand so tightly.  Didn't want to let go of that hand at all.

However, after his daughter asked permission to take food in the corner of the store, he released his hand and asked his daughter to return quickly after taking the item she wanted.

Before entering the store, Mew had observed the area first.  The place shown by his daughter was very isolated and had never been visited by him.  So from where his daughter knew the existence of the place is still a question mark for him.

There were only three people in it, two of them were himself and also his daughter while the other was the person in charge of the shop payment counter.  Because he had checked the condition of the store and had made sure no one but the three of them, that is why he dared to let go of his daughter hand to take the requested items alone.

But with those decisions and actions made him so upset with himself.  His missing child was not found. He searched around the shop area and asked the residents there if they saw his daughter.  However, everything is just in vain.

His daughter disappeared without a trace and for her to disappear in just short time is impossible.  Someone must have kidnapped her and taken her to somewhere else.  But who is that person?  And what is the motive for them kidnapping that innocent child ..

  But who is that person?  And what is the motive for them kidnapping that innocent child

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(Imagine that their wear this when they out to the shop)

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(Imagine that their wear this when they out to the shop)

(210920/1250a.m.) - 1320 words

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