16. Truths

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"We do not often see strangers here.", she stated, her tone hostile.

"I have never seen you either.", I joked.

Her face remained with the same hostile expression, and I started moving around nervously.

"I mean no harm.", I tried to say it with a serious voice but the sentiment I was trying to express was something I had never seen nor experienced.

Her eyes filled with disdain. "I do not like you."

I knew she had no good intentions, but the thought of being hurt with words rather than weapons made me smile nevertheless. 

"You are the only one that came to my ship.", I stated. "It's curious."

She shrugged, visibly caught off-guard. "I am one of the people protecting this community."

"I have money.", I said. "I can help you."

The rain was falling on her face as much as mine, but she did not seem to mind.

"We don't need foreigners to come to our planet and help us with their money.", her tone was colder than the rain. I really did not like the rain.

"Why don't we go inside and discuss about the opportunities?", I suggested, feeling like one of those annoying salespeople in the mall.

"Over my dead body.", the woman said dead-serious.

"Ok then...", I was searching for words. "How about we get to know each other a little bit? My name is Lié. I came from... space. I want to learn about your culture."

Finally, she smiled. It was not the joyous smile I had hoped for, but rather a broken, bitter smile.

"I know where you came from. Even if they had not told me about the black clothes you were wearing when you arrived, I would know."

My optimism was hurt by her words, like plasma burning in flesh. "But why?", I asked.

She looked at me empathetically, almost apologetically, like she was looking at a lost orphan.

"Hate.", she said. "It is in your eyes."

I grabbed onto my ship, feeling dizzy as her words reached me. 

"I am more than that.", I said sullenly.

I could tell she was doubting me as she spoke: "My name is Habakka."

It was like a ray of sunlight to have someone see me as something other than a killer, even for a second. 

The dizziness started fading as she walked away. Would she ever come back? I did not know.

All I knew was that the rain was absolutely horrible. I got back into my ship as fast as I could and started playing simulations. After the first few matches, it occurred to me that I was training to survive in a world like Chaus, out of habit. I did not stop playing after that. It was good to be vigilant, always prepared for the next time somebody tries to kill me.

I listened to Melpomene to wind down after practice, slow songs about tragedy and darkness. I knew nothing connected me to the planet outside my ship. I did not feel like going back outside, the people did not like nor respect me. Whatever life I had dreamt of having here, I did not want to change myself to make it work. Nobody wanted me to stay here anyways. Whatever peace I could have had in a life where I did not kill, it would not be authentic, being the person I was. And I was the only person that had been loyal to me all my life. Who were those people that judged me for what I had to do to survive anyways? A tear fell down from my cheek, but I decided not to waste any more time on this planet. I would find my place somewhere else, somewhere more familiar to me.

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