19. Hello

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Life was not bad. I was alone, but I felt less lonely than I had when I was still in school. I still thought about Cat. I wondered what it would have been like if she would have survived and I did not. Was it really just a coincidence that I was sitting in this spaceship and she was not? I supposed some part of it was chance.

I supposed that she also died because of the law of Chaus. There are laws even to chaos. For the worse.

I was taking a break from everyone and enjoying excessive amounts of Hibiscus one day. My ship was floating in a rather abandoned part of space, I had put it on autopilot so that it circled around the same sights. I much enjoyed the views of milky ways, stars, and the multitude of colors in the abandoned parts of space.

When I first heard the loud bang, I thought I might have flown close by a meteor shower. I looked towards the general direction of where the explosion came from. A dark but enormous spaceship was exploding into a billion pieces right before my eyes. Hubris informed me that it had detected debris that was flying towards us at a high speed, but that there would be no problem in evading said debris.

"I have to sober up.", I said to myself. "Hubris, WHERE IS THE FUCKING ANTIDOTE?", my voice was coarse when I yelled at Hubris.

The ship opened a shelf without delay, but I kept searching for a while until I saw the shelf. I took out the syringe and injected it into my arm. In a few minutes I would be sobered up.

Shortly after I saw someone flying towards the ship. Hubris did not inform me so I assumed that I was hallucinating.

He was in my ship a few seconds later, naked. I pondered why my subconscious would give me this hallucination at this time. I had never seen someone exactly like him. His skin was light green and luminescent, different from any species I had ever seen. Parts of his body were made up of machinery: his arm, his stomach, his heart, and parts of his head. The transitional pieces fit together seamlessly. "I really need to sober up.", I repeatedly said to myself.

My head was beginning to clear up due to the antidote, but the man just would not disappear. He looked at me curiously, his head bent a little to the left.

"Why cover yourself with bare linen? That hardly protects you from anything", he laughed playfully yet arrogantly.

I was beginning to wonder if he might be real. I took out my gun, still drowsy. "Identify yourself.", I said.

He stepped closer to inspect my gun. I felt a sharp pain as small pieces of metal went into my hand unexpectedly, disarming me. He was holding my gun as a Tharoan woman would hold a baby. "Gee, when did you last clean her?", he asked judgingly. His voice was sweet and melodic. But strangely cold.

The metal pieces had left my hand and I could move again. "I don't know. Maybe last month."

"LAST MONTH?", he raised his voice. "Unacceptable."

I was wondering if I might have finally lost my mind. "Who are you?"

The cyborg was tinkering with my weapon using his body as a toolbox. "It's going to be much better now.", he handed it back to me with an openhearted smile. "I guess they referred to me as KM-13"

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