1. Money, Money, Money (Lié)

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Monsoon winds were setting an uncomfortable atmosphere for our meeting. Habakka and I were sitting inside a green tent, the wind was shaking the walls and it was cold. Habakka was shaking heavily, she was drenched from running through the rains.

I wondered if she considered me as something like a friend.

"I am glad to see you again. How has it been?" I asked, wondering if I really wanted to hear about the current situation of her life.

She was cooking up espresso in the kitchen-corner of the tent, on a very cheap looking stove.

She smiled, her wet hair was clinging to her cheeks. "Every day is a struggle." She paused as if she was going to say something. Then she just looked at me.

My eyes wandered away from her green and brown robes to my sleek black suit. In that moment I was rather sure that she did not, nor would she ever consider me as a friend.

Typically people do not friend up in my line of work. Typically friends are rather scarce, and even the friends you do have are a heavy burden. Is it ever worth it?

She put the coffee on the table. Bitter and strong.

Maybe I would have preferred having my coffee with milk. But there was no fridge so I did not bother asking for it.

"How have you been?" she asked, her eyes concerned, maybe even caring.

"Well, you know. Here and there. Up and about. Running and hiding. Killing and making a living.", I said as if it was just a joke to me.

"That does not sound like a good life to me", Habakka had replied without thinking first.

On this planet, people were still authentic enough. I found it comforting in a strange way. Sometimes Habakka was rude to me, but at least I was not being lied to.

"I rip off the rich and I give to the poor. In a way, are we not quite similar?", I asked. 

Habakka had taken the drugs out of one of the drawers behind her and placed them on the table in front of me.

She did not bother pretending to laugh at my jokes. There was no sympathy, not even the slightest.

"3000", she demanded.

A good deal for both of us. I took a sip from my coffee, trying not to make a face when I tasted the bitterness. "Thanks for the coffee."

I could tell that our interaction was getting increasingly uncomfortable for her. I took out my wallet and gave her the money. She counted it immediately. Next, she put the ware in a small white bag and handed it to me.

I enjoyed doing business with her. I had not met many good people in my life, and she was definitely on the better side. I hardly remembered what I was like, way before I had ever killed anyone. It was a different life.

"You should buy yourself something nice. Just once.", I spoke without thinking.

Her expression instilled me with slight regret. I had offended her way of life but she was going to forgive me without exchanging any more words. I noticed that there were building blocks for her child on the floor behind her. I might have smiled just a little. I drank my coffee in silence. 

"Have a safe journey.", she said and I nodded. I put on a raincoat while she started cleaning up the dishes. I felt somewhat saddened that I could not really make a connection with her. If I had not made the mistakes I made, maybe I could have had a life like hers. Simple but peaceful in the midst of monsoons. Being the rock to a small family, to a society where people actually needed each other in the truest sense. They were so close, like pieces of a puzzle.

I took a few steps outside, my spaceship recognized my presence and opened the stairs. The rain hit my face and I regretted not having teleported back inside. 

The rain quickly dried when I sat down in my living room, feeling relaxed and alert. The walls were showing me different memories of mine, as I wished to see them: Beaches and waterfalls in Lukra, many would say they were the most beautiful in the universe. Technology for displaying memories was brand-new to the market and it would have been cheaper if I waited a few years before getting it. But I was not humble.

The atmosphere in Hubris was more comfortable than any other place in the world, perfectly adjusted to my own preferences. Advantages of not having a family, I guess.

I took a Hibiscus flower out of the white bag and let it melt on my tongue. My muscles relaxed while my pupils widened and I finally felt more awake. 

"Party?" Hubris asked. "You know me.", I responded.

I sure love the way artificial intelligence can make you feel like you are having an actual conversation with a friend.

Somewhere out there Hades's algorithms were surely working on a way to find me. The thought was pleasing. All that power but nothing to match my innit ability to hide. Nyx loved me.

It took about 20 minutes to arrive at Lukra. I chose an avatar to play during the party, something red-haired and busty. All of my avatars were marked with a Hibiscus tattoo, it made it easier for my customers to find me.

Business-wise, it was a very efficient evening. I sold half of the ware for about 6000 SI-Coins. I was satisfied knowing that I was ripping off future Lukrain soldiers. Killers in the making growing up in a place that does not recognize horror. Wonderful for a vacation, if I ever took one.

When I finally got tired, I closed the console and sank into my own thoughts. Should I do something better for once? Perhaps I could donate to some charity. But I was not aware of any charity that was not also corrupt to the core. Charities never really changed anything anyways. Just a way for rich people to establish themselves as saviors, controlling societies.

I could try to destroy Earth again, but even that would come with some ethical problems. The earthlings that I had met perplexed me to this day. I supposed that most of them were not more evil than me. They were however easy prey. 

Maybe keeping people like Habakka from starving was all there was for me in this life. Saving lives just did not pay well enough for someone like me. 

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