A trip to my friends

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Chapter 11

It had been 2 month to the incident still their laughter and cries are in my head, there's not a single night without crying for them or praying for them to come back. Maybe my life wouldn't be such a misery if I had a shoulder to cry on and arms to hug me tight when I'm drained of bellowing. Well obviously I didn't cried like this when my mother left this world because I was little and dad was there for me but soon he left for his base to Afghanistan and leaving me with grandma.

But when they both passed away I had my friends. They were there to calm me, I remember Azura coming to my place and having a self stay just because she thought winters are nostalgic so I don't feel alone.

It was April, not too cold in Manhattan but I was wrapped up in quilt and sobbing in the memories of my past. "Well maybe I should visit them'' a thought clicked me, I leaped out of my bed just wore random cardigan that covered my entire pajamas and I left.

They say when you meet the dead; make sure you are dressed up nice so you don't hurt their soul further.

But who cares; how can you dress up in body- fitted chinos and heels and visit a cemetery. All this time; I was feeling like a pebble on path which you kick while you stroll, weak and helpless.

I reached the cemetery and found burial of a newly dead person at far end of the yard, family members crying and town members' just raising their spirits. Well I wasn't bothered by it at all;afterall I had my sorrows to shed tears on.

First right then two graves left were their graves. Still fresh and seems as if they are alive in it and chattering around. It was Haden's grave then a little space due to rugged ground then his sister Sara then Azura and finally Missy. Isn't it funny? Even the graves were aligned as the word 'AMIGO' with a tiny space for me next to Haden. I wish I could join them to the journey where no grief strikes a body. I presented flowers to each of them; Poppies for Haden because of magic and enchanted life, Dahlia to Sara as elegance and inner strength, Orchids as luxury and beauty to Azura and last but not the least some lilacs to Missy nothing but a loss of a great love.

I stayed there until twilight; watched birds fly to their nests and the crimson sky fades to darkness. It wasn't until it got a bit chilled and I had to get up and move before it gets fully dark.

Meeting my friends was a satisfaction in itself. I got to recall our memories from the past which seems like ages. What great times were those when we sit together and gossiped while Azura would kill any boy for her daily coffee and was rumored to have no soul! Well, there has to be some person who keeps the group limited to us five otherwise Missy would have added tons of boys she thought were funny-Like that one guy who could chew a chewing gum for one week straight, well gross!!! But, for Missy it was fun; thanks to Azura for showing him- her inner devil and he never loom back.

OUCH!!! I knocked myself over something which hurt and I for instance came back to reality. "Ugh! Just A pot-hole" "wait, what? A pot-hole. Where am I?" soon I discovered I was lost. It wasn't familiar site maybe I was so lost that I actually got lost. It was dark; nobody around me until I heard someone whispering my name 'Kathleen?' and it vanished with the zephyr. In fact the wind caught me and started to swirl around.

I have never experienced anything much strange than this. It got fast like a hungry tornado; Cold and wild. Cries and laughter of dead ones. Lost souls screeching for help and anonymous voices declaring: tonight is the night! These echoes constantly repeating themselves, I was still cast by those powerful winds which wouldn't let go of me. My head was all in pain as if someone tossed stones at it. When I could no longer hold it I placed both my hands on my ears and shouted "g-gg-Go away gooo!'' this didn't stop. It was spinning and all I wanted was to escape. The last thing I remember was a voice saying tonight is the night! And then it faded.

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