A New Pain!

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chapter 5

Two weeks passed, and I never showed up to the world except for Fridays when I go to school to collect the class work done. At this whole time I became very good friend with Hudson we talked on for hours on phone, he was always comforting me with his words and experiences. My life was coming back on the track; the loss of my friends was healing up slowly. Until one day when I was at school and saw Hudson with a bunch of his old friends and few good looking girls they were chit chattering and laughing out loud so I went near him and asked if he has time to sit with me and talk. He ignored me, then for the second time I called him and repeated myself for this instant he got up from his leaning position and slowly approached me. What he did next was intolerable, he yelled at me: "are you f* crazy! How could you think that I will ever be your friend, I ignore your type of girls; don't you get it --- stay away from me bi*ch!"

All his friends started mocking me. Then a voice among them said fREEK! In fact it was said in two syllables like "FRr-EEK!" it was said by one of the attractive girl of the group. I wonder God has bestowed them with beauty but surely they are deprived of brains. Why do kind people like my friends die in car crash whereas these mean people are left mocking others.

I was torn into million pieces the person whom I trusted as my cohort is the one embarrassing me in front of people...tear rolled into my eyes but I didn't allowed them to fall down my cheeks. I was standing and watching them laughing out loud, now my strength laid in ignoring them rather than combating. At moment I took a lung full of air and left. Reaching my apartment I smashed the door behind me and let the gust of cries started. My complaints for a fake friendship lasted the whole night with tears falling like rain from the sky. I quite don't remember when my eyes closed and I went to sleep.

Then I saw something..........."Missy is that you!" I yelled and got up with excitement. "Yes girl cheer up now all your pain and worries are gone. I'm here for you." She replied____ "but you were dea....."

"Shhhhhhhh!..." She put her finger on my lips. ..."Look at this mesmerizing scenery... the mountains, the fields, the flowing spring___ and look at those kids playing; aren't they just so happy......" Missy made me smile and suddenly out of nowhere I heard a loud beep of truck coming that hits Missy right away; I screamed loudly~ Missyyyyyyy! And woke up! Down beneath my building a truck was passing by and constantly beeping. A terrible dream instead, but its so disquieting how the horn of truck in real life corresponded to my dream...I was in wide shock and couldn't gain my conscience for a couple of minutes.

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