[Special] Shu's Birthday

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I had asked Shu countless times what he wanted for his birthday, yet he insisted that he didn't want anything. The Beyclub gave up asking when I told them I couldn't get an answer. I still wanted to give him something, though. I just didn't know what.

Sighing, I turned to my one and only hope: Google.
'What kind of gifts should you give to someone who insists on not getting one?'
Too specify, I couldn't find anything. Deleting the search, I tried something else.
'Gift ideas for your boyfriend'
Finally getting results, they all seemed to be the same two things. Shoes and watches. Shu seemed to own both of those, though. So I need something else.

I immediately notice a necklace that seems to be engraved, giving me an idea of my own.

"A engraved promise ring!" I exclaim, Ms.Anderson walks in: "(Name), are you okay? I heard a shout from your room."
I smile, "I'm good! However, I need your help with something."

She nods, sitting next to me. I show her the promise ring I had in mind, to which she smiles. "I think I'll get one of these for Shu's birthday. Engraved though, I'm not sure what to get engraved though.." Ms.Anderson laughs a bit, I look at her with a confused expression.

"Why don't you just engraved your name into it?" She suggests, I stare at wide eyed. Pointing to myself: "Me? You mean like, (Name) Kur-, I mean Ibuki." She laughs again, even harder this time.

"It would be cute though! You could get matching ones, yours has his name along and his has your name."

"Thank you, Ms.Anderson! I think I'll confirm your theory first, though." I reply, leaving the room.


"Shu, I have a question."


"What's the most important thing to you?"

He looks down at me, as I somehow got into his lap while he was doing his work.

"Well, that's easy. You of course." I look away, trying not to grin so hard looking face to face with him.

"Great, thanks! Let go please, I have to uh, do something."

"Do something like?"

"I need to go order something." He nods, letting me go.

"I'll see you later, Kurenai!"


"How much is," I hesitate for a bit, trying to find the perfect ones for us. I continue to scan, not finding any as suitable candidates. Then two sparkle, as I was meant to see it. I walk over to it, "These two? Engraved?"


My eyes widen, yet I pay nonetheless.

"What do you want engraved on them?" He asks, a pen in his hand while a notepad is on top of the glass display. Getting ready to jot down everything I said.

"On the first one, (Name) Ibuki. On the second, Shu Kurenai. Please, thank you."

He nods, finishing writing what I said.

"And when do you need these done by?"

"Before September 23, please."

"Okay, I'll have them ready the September 22nd. Please remember to comeback!"

"Thank you so much mister!" If I wasn't in the middle of a mall, I'd be sobbing right now.

It was now September 22nd, the day I was suppose to pick up the rings. However, Shu had different plans. My unfortunate luck came back, while I was on the way to get them Shu stopped me asking where I was rushing to.

I felt terrible lying to him, yet I couldn't tell him the complete truth either. "The mall!"

He seems as if he was going to question the day lights out of me, instead he decided to tag along.

"Shu, I need to go pick up something."

"Okay, I'll go with you."

"No! This is really private, sorry. Maybe next time?"

His lips curve into a pout, I just giggle and head for the jewelry store.

"Hiya! I'm hear to pick up the rings."

"Oh!" He rushes to the back of the store, rushing back out just as fast he got in.

"Thank you so much!" I take the rings from him, waving him goodbye. I forgot my bag. (Which is surprising, considering I usually never go anywhere without it.) Since I did, I had no where secure to put the rings till I got back to the dorm. Meaning I had two options.

One. I leave Shu here, to which he questions thinking he did something wrong.
Two. I spend extra money.

As much as I didn't want to, option two was the only practical one. Walking over to (Favorite Store), I sighed as I knew I would get way more than I needed to hide the rings.


The shopping trip went pretty well, it was now Shu's birthday. I decided that today was going to be all red just for him. Well, besides the ring colors. I mean, I had red on my ring and (Eye Color) on his. Not the actual ring, though.

Rushing to shower and putting all the red outfit, I put the rings in my pocket. Trying to think when would be the best time to give them to him.

As obvious as it seemed, I would wait till the day was almost over. Yet if I decided to sleep, there was a good chance I would be caught. I just decided to browse around town.


The day was coming to the close, all the Beyclub members had all asked when I was giving my gift to Shu. I gave them the same 'soon'. It was now 9:20pm, I just needed to talk to him for 3 minutes straight before giving him the gift.

"Shu! Can we talk?" He opens the door, giving me a half smile.

"So, what's up?" I attempt to start a conversation (failing terribly), he notices my efforts. I pull my phone out to check the time now.


"(Name), why are you here?" He asks, his voice telling me he's frustrated. I look around his office looking for an excuse, nothing work.

"What? Can't a girl just see her boyfriend?" I let my arms cross each other, shaking my head. He facepalms, walking back over to whatever he was doing. I check the time again.


I smirk, ready for my plan to finally be able to take action. I walk closer to Shu, attempting to peek at what he's doing. I can't really see it though, so I back a bit away. I grew more impatient by the second.

"You know Shu, one time," I look at the time before I decide to ramble on.


I walk over to Shu, "Happy birthday! I'm sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring you. I wanted to wait for the perfect time, aka your birth date in time form. And, I remember the promise you made to me, hence this gift." I hand him the ring, he stands up pulling me into an embrace.

"(Name), having your name and your eye color on this. This truly means everything to me. Can I?" He points to my right cheek, I nod and he presses a soft kiss on it.

"I hope this gift at least makes up for me kind of leaving for most of the day. Can we go eat cake now?" I ask, he chuckles: "Yes baby, come on before Valt or Honcho eats it all!"

Authors note:
happy birthday to shu! how are we all spending it?

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