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I had woke up in the same room, yet I noticed I still had the same clothes from Saturday. On the other bed, I noticed a set of clothes with a note.

'Moonflower, would you wear these today? So we can match!'

I couldn't help but smile. Removing the note and grabbing the clothing, I headed to the bathroom to shower and get dressed.


I walked around the hallway, remembering I had no idea where I was right now.

I figured that just like BC Sol, Raging Bulls would have a dorm too. I assumed that was where I was. Still wouldn't help me get out here, though.

"(Name), there you are! I've been looking for you." I make a full swift body turn, seeing Shu there.

"Where have you been?" I was going to bombard him with a bunch of questions such as, "Why weren't you there when I woke up?", "Why do I never know where I am around you?", "How are you so pretty?"

"Sorry, I had to take care of something." He apologizes, which I assure him he doesn't need to.

"What's happening today? Am I finally beating your team, Kurenai?" I question, he laughs grabbing my hand leading to who's know.

"Yes, today we're having a friendly match with Wakiya's team. He personally asked for it."

"So, how long is this going to take? Not the Wakiya match, this beating thing."

"Remember, you have to beat at least 3 out of the 5. I'm sure you can do all of them though." He reassures me.

I notice we're in a room that looks similar to a gym, going up the stairs I see 5 bladers. Shu lets go of my hand, moving to the wall to observe everything.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

He gasps dramatically, "This wasn't in the script, no-no!"

"Script..?" I look over to Shu, he mouths: 'He's usually like this.' I nod, waiting for the boy to continue.

He snaps his fingers, before walking over to me. He grabs my hand to kiss it, "And you would be?"


Shu shoots him a glare, the boy backing away.

"I am Joshua! Joshua Burns." Confetti comes from, who knows.

I glance to Shu again, he just shrugs.

"So, if I beat you, this means I'm 1 step closer to getting on the team. Sorry to have do this." I smile, meanwhile he laughs.

"The script has already been written, my dear. All we need to do is bring it to life. Spoiler alert, you don't win."

I have my own laugh this time, walking over to Shu. He gets it, handing me my bey. I walk back over to the stadium, noticing Joshua has his launcher now.

"So, are we getting this show on the road or what?" I ask. He looks at just your bey with no launcher, going wide eyed.

"Where's your launcher?"

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