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The dinner with Shu & Ukyo went a lot better than I expected it to. The two seemed to get along (somehow), bonding over a bunch of stuff I had never heard of in my life. Ukyo didn't expect Shu to come so, he had to rush to cook what he assumed Shu would like. (Which ended up being Pasta.)

The rest of the dinner went smoothly, Shu leaving after we all finished. Which resulted in Ukyo asking so many questions about what happened.

"Are you two dating now?"

"Who asked first?"

"What happened after?"

"Did you tell him about the rules?"

"Are you really not going to listen to (Favorite Artist) for 3 months?"

"Has he done anything wrong? I swear that little-"

The last one took me 15 minutes to convince him that Shu had done nothing wrong, which he still didn't completely believe.

It had now been Saturday which made me realize, I had training to do. The dojo couldn't participate in the World League. Which made me realize, I had to win the Nationals to think about even having a chance at the World League.

The Nationals were going to start next Monday, which only gave me today and tomorrow to train. Not that I minded it, of course.

"Ukyo! Are we leaving for the dojo, or what?" I shout, considering I have no clue if he's home or not.

Waiting 5 minutes for a response, I realize he isn't home. Already at the dojo, I suppose. Which wasn't surprising. He always there early.

Me, on the other hand didn't see the point. Who would willingly get up at 7am every Saturday just to say "Let it rip!" for 4 to 5 hours straight? I surely wouldn't, hence why I was never there that early unless Ukyo got me up.

Training at the dojo would probably give me a headache though, seeing as I would probably not be able to take another second of Yugo.

Which left me only 1 other option.


"So you're telling me, you walked all the way over here just so I could train with you for the Nationals to participate in the World League?"

"Yep! That's it, basically! I wouldn't ask you usually, yet the dojo can't participate so I need another team to scout me or something."

His face holds a smirk.

"Kurenai, what aren't you telling me?"

"You don't know? I'm the owner of the Raging Bulls."

"You're joking." I stand there for a few seconds, in shock.

"No." He laughs, understanding how shocking this must be. "However, I'd have to make you prove you belong on the team to the rest. It'd be weird to let a new recruit on and everyone thinks it's because you're my girlfriend."

I nod, "What would I have to do? Beat them all?"

"I mean, that could work. As you know though, my team is in America right now..."

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