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I headed back to the forest, assuming Free would still be there.

My unfortunate luck continued, he wasn't there when I got back.

Sighing, I walked back over to BC Sol.

Noticing Kris wasn't here, just the group of bladers.

"Do any of you know where Kris is?" I ask to none of them in particular.

A kid steps up to me, "You'll have to battle me before I tell you." He made it seem like a order. I felt like I was dealing with Wakiya all over again.

"Listen here, buckaroo. I think this is the last thing you wanna do."

He scoffed, still seeming eager to battle me.

I shook my head and took up his offer, "Wait. I never got your name kid."


"Okay, Stan. Are you ready to get beat?" My voice booming through the area, bladers coming to watch.

Walking over to the stadium, I took my bag and grabbed my bey. Throwing the bag to Kit, he caught it & a 'thank you' left my mouth.

"Where's your launcher?" Stan asks, looking over at my bey.

I have a chuckle before thinking of a response I hadn't used before, "The battle would be too fast. And that'd be a shame, no?"

Another kid which I hadn't learnt the name of was the referee of our match, whoever got 2 points first.

"Are you ready?"

Stan and I both nodded.






I immediately took center, Stan's bey rushing towards me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I remarked, a small smirk on my face.

"(Bey Name), go!"

"(Name) wins with a burst finish!"

"Now... can someone please tell me where Kris is?" I was practically begging at this point but, I didn't really have the heart to care.

"I could."

"Free, how long have you been here? Wait! I bet it was from since when my battle started, right? Wasn't I so cool?" I look over at him with a eager smile, to which he just laughed.

"You know you keep laughing around me. It's because I'm geninuely funny and not what Ukyo would call," I pondered for a bit. "Funny-looking."

"Yes, it's because you're geninuely funny (Name)."

A proud smile was splattered on my face. I walked over to Kit to retrieve my bag, thanking him again.

Running back to Free, I grabbed onto his hand and we ran to what I assumed where Kris was.


"(Name)? What are you doing here?" Kris questions, not knowing Free was behind me.

"Just asking if I could spend a night or two here." A mischievous smile spread across my face, Kris taking note of it.

She shook her head before thinking of the proper reply: "I mean for a night or two, it can't be that bad."

"Sweet! Thanks." I walked out her office, then realized I had no clue where I was going. Turning on my heel, I walked back in.

"Ahaha... so?"

"Free, could you...?"

He nodded, he was the one to now grab my hand. Running out her office, I silently hoped we would be headed to the dorms.


My hope was useless.

Free & I spent the rest of the day exploring Spain, which I wasn't exactly opposed to. I was just exhausted and still, hadn't found Wakiya.

"Freeeee." Which comes off more whiney then it should've, he just pats my head in response.
"We'll be there soon."

"Yeah yeah, and hands off the merchandise!" I exclaim, referring to my head. It might've been weird as a "flex", yet it was a perfect. How could I not?

Walking more, I noticed a pair of red eyes.

Blinking a few times, I had to make sure I saw the eyes correctly. Realistically speaking this only happened in fairy tales.

"Free, could you wait here for a second?" I turn to the golden boy, him giving a nod.

I walk over to the figure who I could only hope was him. Finally approaching, "Yo Shu! How's a day and some been treatin ya?"

The figures shadow's head shook. The figure now emerging from the shadows towards a light. I could now make out the face and it was, in fact Shu.

"Shu.. can I?" I gesture to giving him a hug, to which he replies with a small 'Yes'.

"What are you doing here anyways? Don't you have training to do?" He nods, which leaves me more confused.

If he needed to train, why would he fly all the way over to Spain?

It made no sense.

"So.. did you come all the way to Spain to challenge Free?"

He shook his head. 

"So then...why are you here?" It felt more like a demand to get an answer, not asking a question out of pure curiosity. 

"For you."


He had no reason to be here for me. Not one, which is why my face hurried. 

I decided to not think about it too hard, just going to move onto a different conversation topic: "So.. how's the weather?" 

"Seriously (Name)?" Shu attempts to hold back his laughter but can't help himself.

"Okay! I admit it, I don't know what you mean by 'For you'. Why would you travel to a different country for me? It just doesn't make any sense!" 

He begins laughing at my confession, "You haven't seen the hints yet?" He bit his bottom lip. "You'll learn soon enough, (Name)."

"Okay? Whatever that means, I guess." I shrug it off, telling Shu I'll head back to BC Sol.

"Ah wait, I'll go with you." 

"Okay. Wait." 

He turns to me, tilting his head to the right slightly.

"I'm tired, could you carry me?"

"Like, bridal style?"

"No, piggyback style."

He chuckled a bit, before agreeing. 

"Well.. could you lower your back a bit? I'm not that tall, y'know." I point out, in which he does such.

Steading myself on his back, I can't help but crack into a smile. "Let's go!" 

He then began to..

"Naruto running, Kurenai? Really?"

"Yes, Ibuki. We have to still meet up with Free, right?" I nod, he continues doing such running till we find Free again.

"Took you lovebirds long enough!" Now Shu had turned into a blushing mess, while I attempted to keep myself composed.

Shu & Free began to talk about something, I really couldn't make out much. Just words, occasionally which were as followed: "Balance, her, like, Ukyo (for some weird reason), rules."

I felt my eyes drifting off, refusing to stay open any longer.



 (Authors Note)

WEEE i redid this chapter because i realized my original got cut off! i hope u all enjoy the improved version

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