Is she happy

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Hailey's POV

This weekend dad had on insisted on me visiting him since mom had absolutely refused his presence at our place. I walked a couple of blocks over, my ginger red hair carefully lying underneath my hoodie. I looked over at my phone reading Zee's text messages and as you guessed it was all about Justin.

I read through Jake's messages, a smile formed on my face even as I took a corner through the alley. He always sent the best cute love emojis telling me of how much he missed me and loved me.

Finally reached dad's apartment. Should I knock? I mean how would I even start? I sighed and took some deep breaths before knocking.

He opened the door, his face lit up when he saw me then he pulled me in for a hug and I reciprocated it. His place was like a little bungalow, the difference was all those boxes piling on the floor. The sofas that looked almost new and the little cabinet that held the TV up not forgetting the wooden table with two boxes of pizza and some Pepsi.

"Well don't just stand right there, come in!,"he exclaimed.

"Is she happy?" He asked even as I took another piece of pizza. We were currently watching a WWE match on his leather couch, let's just say we were both fans when it came to this, mom always hated it, she hated violence and was a little bit scared of it.

"Yeah. She even puts make up in nowadays when she goes on her dates with Hank,"I said not missing his disappointment..

"Is he good looking like your old man?"

"Oh yeah! He's got the looks, dad! On a scale of one to ten, he's almost nine and a half..... I are way better"I stuttered totally came out the wrong way.

"That handsome huh?"

"Look dad, in all honesty. Mom's moved on and I think it's high time you do too. You hurt her real bad and she totally hates you"

"Do you hate me?"he asked now turning to me, I preferred looking at the TV rather than looking at him.

Did I hate him? I mean for a while I did. When he cheated on mom, that made me angry knowing that we were not good enough for him as a family. But hate? Hate was a strong word, I mean he was still my dad. The one who saw to it that no one injured me in any sort of way, the one who always held my hand anytime I had my shots.

I hesitated and he also noticed it," You know it disappoints me to see that you don't regard me as your dad anymore. When your mom went into labor, I was so worried I couldn't even sit or eat anything without knowing if you made it. Then when I saw your face for the first time, I knew everything was gonna be alright. You made me happy, Hailey, you are my little miracle"

"Ooh dad I love you always have, always will."I teared up. I needed that, I needed to forgive him. Coming here was a good idea, I needed to hear that.

"Promise you won't replace me with that Henry guy"he flickered his finger playfully at me as we hugged.

"It's Hank. And perhaps you're my only old man,"I punched his arm as we both laughed.

Watching WWE was fun, especially when dad kept cussing when his triple threat team lost. Once it got late, dad offered to take me home in his friend's pickup.

When I look at you
Clamburger you shining like a light from a thousand suns

With you magical meat
With you magical meat

And your warm soft buns
It's all about your warm soft bunssss...

"Your warm soft buns, whoa!!," Dad exclaimed and I laughed so hard. We sang to the tune on the radio before reaching home. Back then we always did with mom too... singing to every tune on the radio at the peak of our voices, it was fun.

"Bye, dad. Take care and no more beers okay?" I hugged him before unbuckling my seat belt and coming off the rusty pick up.

I watched as he drove off. I walked to our door but I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching my every move. I noticed the vintage mustang that had been parked across the street. That car had stayed there for long, since Friday and it was creepy.

On second thought, it wouldn't hurt if I took a tinsie peak. I moved stealthily across the street towards the car removing one of my sneakers to use it as a weapon.

I rushed behind the car pretending to be like a spy moving slowly towards one of the right side mirrors. I took a glimpse of the driver who in return was staring at me while seated on the driver's seat.

I sighed walking away from the vehicle before the driver rushed out trying to stop me.

"Hailey! Hailey! Hails?! Would you stop for a minute?!"

"What Liam? What? Didn't I make myself clear? Huh?" I asked pushing him back, as I put on my left foot sneaker.

"I know you mad and you have every reason to be but could we talk...away from the middle of the road.."

I moved towards the car trying to keep some distance between me and him as we both leaned against his car.

"Have you been spying on me?Huh? You know that's invasion of privacy right?"

"Right now Hailey, I'mma need you to shut up! You know how long I've stayed in this damn car, trying to arrange these words together?"

His sudden outburst at first shocked me? What words?

"I really don't care if you punch me right now but I gotta tell you this. I'm not gonna go on my knees or give you any damn flowers to prove what I feel for you. Right from the bucket, to you punching me and to Justin's closet I've realised that I like...I love you Hailey and the thing with us making out in the janitor's closet

I was scared, scared that if I tell you how I feel, you'd reject me. I know you love Jake and I respect that. He deserves you, I ain't perfect and I'll never be. But I really hope that pretty boy treats you right. I hope that he gets to make you feel special just like I think you are. I hope he appreciates your beautiful smile and I hope he cherishes every moment you have together because trust me, Hailey, he's a lucky guy"

I know this chapter was a bit long but please bear with it. 😌

I hope you enjoy it as much as i did
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