... old Hailey is back!

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Hailey's POV
"Sorry for everything, I mean I didn't knooow..," I said.

Looking at me, he gave me a glare as he placed the lilies on top of his mother's grave , Elizabeth Cruz Lopez.

"Save it , Hailey," he said putting some distance as we both sat on the green foliage, so cool but yet so frightening.
God forgive me coz I was scared of all the graves besides us, all the spirits roaming around even the quietness made me quiver with fear.

But what was more scary was to see Liam's gaze. This was new , the funny yet annoying Liam that I knew wasn't there but a complicated misunderstood teen. His brown eyes could tell a lot, someone crushed, misunderstood and bottling all his emotions to himself.

I totally got it when he snapped at me, I was a bad person never understanding him although he too made it hard for me.......

He wasn't quite the friendly type at all. He was like this cockroach I wanted to step on everytime he'd come near me.He was annoying, crazy , insane ,made my life unbearable. Hailey !?? What are you saying ? His mother is here and you're still insulting him?

My conscience was starting to eat on me. Ooh, Elizabeth Cruz Lopez if you are here forgive me ,please don't haunt me for insulting your son , I'll be nice,promise! Maybe I was going crazy but I needed to understand this sweet sweet conflicted teen boy seated next to me looking at the epitaph engraved on his mother's grave.

"Yeah , I get it. It was tough...and I'm sorry..." I said before he faced me and talked back.

"As I said save it! You know I really don't get you people at times. Trust me your pity is the last thing I need right now."he said.

Well he was right, I pitied him because I'm sure he went through a rough time. Losing someone as close as your mother ain't no joke.

"Look I'm trying to help, Liam," I said patting his shoulder lightly.

Jerking his shoulder away from me he said, "See that's the thing, I don't need help .Do I look like I need help ? And please quit the angelic tone it doesn't suit you at all!"

Okay now he was just being plain rude ,this was the first time I was consoling a guy much less a hardheaded one like Liam Lopez.

"What is your problem ,Liam?!Huh?! Back there ,Cookie told me you are going through alot and I'm trying to get you ,but now you're making it hard , damnit!! People are actually concerned about you but you shut them out. I can't say that I'm concerned about you, but you still a friend as much as I hate to admit it."

Breaking the silence he looked at me , lowering his gaze upon my eyes and began to speak,

"I was ten years old when it happened ,we were playing with mum and my nanny, Carlita , when mum collapsed infront of my eyes. Dad rushed her to the hospital , weeks passed without hearing a word from her. I was a kid but I knew something was wrong.

I tried asking dad what was going on but he always avoided the subject. His face always showing signs of sadness ,his once bright face void and desolate.

Finally dad broke the news that mum had kidney cancer and it was on the final stage. When we went to visit her, she reached for my hand but I was too scared seeing all those tubes coming from her nose , the machines that continued beeping second after second, her once blonde hair had fallen off and her eyes looked weary.

I ran from there,later did I know it would be the last time i would see her again.
I was a freaking coward Hailey ,she needed me to help her go through everything but I ran away giving her many reasons to give up on life. What's worse is that dad's attitude towards me changed , everytime he'd look at me he saw my mum in me and that made him remember her and miss her even more.

Tears of sorrow brimmed his eyes and he blinked repeatedly in a bit to keep them back. It was simply devastating seeing him like this ,come on , he blamed himself for his mom's death and that wasn't right.

"Come on, Liam. You were a kid and seeing her in that state left you traumatized. Any kid in your position would do the same ,you couldn't believe that was your mom in that state vulnerable state," I spoke plainly.

" Well I sure was a stupid kid",he said one tear falling from his eye as he wiped it as suddenly as it came.

"I'm sure as a kid , you were a clever one but grown up you is too difficult to handle and at times stupid," I said trying to lighten the mood.

" And there she is ,old Hailey is back!," he said a smile forming at the corner of his mouth.

"What do you mean , have you met yourself?" I said punching his arm a bit.

" Me? You're the one who's difficult to handle especially when you're drunk , you such a handful!! ," he exclaimed.

" Okay okay shish Lopez...Let's just say we are both a pain in the neck ,"
I said but I'm definitely sure I wasn't difficult to handle, ask anyone they'll tell you......

"Anyywaay ,I'd like to introduce you to my mom, mom ,Hailey...Hailey, mom," he said pointing out to me then at the grave.

Don't ask Hailey? Don't ask just play along....I assured myself. Everyone's got a different way of grieving so if he's seeing his mom's spirit right now , no problem I'd also pretend to see her too.

"Umm..hey ,.. Liam's mom," I said waving at the his mom's grave.

This was weird for sure but I pretended everything was normal. Nothing peculiar here ,it's not as if we are talking to a grave with a dead person or anything.....

"What's with that face?," He asked looking at me curiously.

" Umm... nothing.. nothing," I said trying not to sell myself out.

" You think I'm crazy don't you? Talking to a grave isn't it? See mom I told you she's the one who is weird and crazy,"he spoke timidly.

Well ,yes this was crazy but I understood him it was his way of grieving and I'd respect that.

"Noooo,pssshh what would make you think that ," I said chuckling nervously as I tugged on a strand of my hair with my hand.

"I can tell you lying, Gonzalez and so can my mom . Don't be scared I'm no psychic but I know mom is here ,"he said.

Wow, Liam Lopez was really something, I mean where was the bully, the annoying and I'll mannered jerk. Personally I would never had guessed this side of Liam....

We were walking out of the cemetery when an unknown number called ,I wanted to ignore it but my heart palpitated fast giving me a premonition that something was definitely wrong.


"Hey , honey. Ummm.. would you come by the station.....


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Jojoestiel 🍂

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