... a hard nut to crack

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"Sorry, Jake. Today is a no-no, I have to be somewhere later," his whole expression changed.

Liam had already asked me out as a replacement for his best friend Justin, who was too busy in his relationship with Zee. Perhaps, we'd hung out with Jake another time.

"Ooh, you've got plans I see, who's the guy?" He asked.

This was weird, I mean yes we were friends and I knew he liked me but the one thing I hated , was someone being possessive. So his question totally came off guard to me,so what if there was a guy?

"Umm....If I say I can't hung out with you,it's coz I have something to do. Guy or not? I wouldn't ditch you if I wasn't doing anything,"

Was I harsh? Of course I wasn't, I needed to get my point across, if he didn't get the message then so be it.

After minutes of silence,he raised his head, cleared his throat a bit and said, "Okaaay...I get it.See you later then."

That hurt me abit, I mean Jake was a nice guy ,I had been leading him on for weeks now despite knowing his feelings for me. Was I  a bad person?

I was just following Nana's rules on love. Rule number one, for you to know you've found the one, your soulmate, just looking at him would make you have butterflies in your stomach, emotions threatening to explode from within you.

Rule number two, you think about him all the time, you long for him, for his touch, for his scent. Anticipation..

Rule number three, for love to happen, friendship must be there. He must be the person you rely on, to worry about you and makes you happy. Friendship....

Rule number four, you are jealous any time he gets close to another girl.Jealousy...

Nana was an expert when it came to such things,she'd always tell me how she had witnessed great love stories within the years.

Okay let's see with Jake, nope absolutely no butterflies. There was definitely friendship , I always anticipate to see him sometimes but then again not for his scent nor his touch.

The ringing of the bell brought me back from my thoughts, finally classes were over. I had already texted mum telling her not to pick me up and that I'd be late.

I was putting some history books in my locker when someone came up behind me,"So shall we? Redhead?," He said.

"Sure, I'm ready but I gotta ask ,where are we going Lopez ?,"I asked slamming my locker shut.

" You'll see," he said a smirk forming on his face.

"Should I be scared?" I asked ,that grin of his, always caused trouble.

"If you wanna," he said.

Liam's POV
This girl sure was something, she had raised a fuss on not clinging to my waist while I rode the bike. After  she realised that she had no choice she finally put her arms on my waist.

Immediately her hands , touched my waist , I felt this surge of adrenaline rushing through my body , sudden emotions running through my body that I've never experienced before.,the way her breath fan my neck brought calmness in my body.

After some hours, I parked my bike and when she got off, the first thing she had to say was ,"Really ? You brought me all the way here....to a flower shop?!"

" Yeah, what did you expect. A posh restaurant? As I said you're here to fill in for Justin. He and I help out here quite often, and so because he's not around you'll do all his work," I said firmly not missing the anger clearly written on her face.

" Very funny, Lopez. I expected worse but okay I'll play your game, so shall we? " she said removing the helmet from her head and getting into Cookie's flower shop.

I followed behind her and as always Cookie was happy to see me.

"Liam, my boy thank goodness you came to help, where is the naughty Velazquez ?" She asked ignoring Hailey's presence.

" Justin is kinda busy,but I brought her to fill in for him," I said pointing to Hailey who stood there speechless.

" Haa,quite a rare gem, isn't she ? Where did you find this beauty ?"she asked examining Hailey from top to bottom.

" Cookie, she's a schoolmate.Her name is Hailey," I told her as she and Hailey got to know each other.

Minutes later,I was carrying some clay flower pots from the back door as Cookie and Hailey prunned thorns off the roses.She was enjoying herself and Cookie too seemed to enjoy her company.

Hailey's POV

I can't believe Liam brought me to a flower shop, I was having a great time as the owner, Cookie , a nice old woman familiarized rare flowers to me.

"You know this is the first time,he's  brought a girl here," Cookie said.

I didn't doubt her words but I'm pretty sure if Justin wasn't busy with Zee, he would have never brought me here. But how come ? I thought Maddie knew this place...

"Ooh, it's just because Justin is kinda busy , that's all." I assured her.

" Nope, something is different with him. Look at him, he's in love and doesn't know it,"Cookie said pointing to Liam, who was busy carrying some clay pots.

Yes he was in love with Maddie , I had seen them in school together being all mushy with each other. Kissing  everywhere they wanted , in the cafeteria , around the halls and in the field.

"Ooh yes, he has a girlfriend and they are deeply in love , that's why," Despite them being the worst couple in school ,bullies infact but I never thought that Liam would win the heart of such a nice old woman like Cookie.

"That's what they all say," she said grinning widely.

I didn't get what she meant, she was being mysterious like Nana at times.

"Ever since his mom died ,he changed alot , pushing away everyone that cared about him. He's never talked about what happened to his mum nor cried about it. He's tough and a hard nut to crack. So take care of him, don't hurt him," she looked at me then at Liam and smiled again.

I felt guilty, I always insulted him yet he was going through alot. I hated him also for no reasons at all. Gosh!I can't believe what he went through , if something happened to my mum I'd die for sure.

Huh? No wonder he was the way he was, he was bottling sadness in him.
Should I apologise? But where do I start ?

Cookie suddenly stood from where  we were and reached for some beautiful lilies handing them to Liam.

"I'm sure she'll be glad to see you," she said and Liam nodded placing the clay pots on an old vintage wooden table.

" Why don't you take her along?" Cookie added and Liam gave me the 'lets go' look.

But where? Who were the lilies for?

(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)(✷‿✷)(✷‿✷)(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

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