... looked like a caged puma

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Liam's POV
I was in no mood for this, so the one who had dumped a bucket on my head, would regret it.

Ladies and gentlemen, it was none other than the redhaired chic in Mr Collins' class, and I knew why she had done that, probably to get my attention.

I mean all girls kissed my feet everywhere I went, even mums liked me. And this one here was no exception, but she didn't seem to be from around here, I presume she was a newbie.

So I went along with her game, "Well,well,well,if it isn't miss Redhead,you want to be a hero,do you?"

I knew what she'd do next probably start with hysterical crying saying she's had a crush on me since she came,she needed to get my attention, blah,blah.....

As i said I was used to girls worshipping me,and here was one.

"Yeah so what, you gonna  beat me to death jerk!" She growled at me.
I mean who was she, wasn't she aware of who I was? I was Liam Lopez,for God's sake no one  went against me without me bringing them down.

"Whoa,whoa,Missy I'm the jerk? Aren't you the one who dumped a fucking bucket on my head?!"

But I gotta say,she was different,the way she raised her voice at me,she looked cute than Kate when she was scolding me.

What was happening to me?I mean this was not the first girl to cause a commotion for me to give her my attention.

"Yeah,I needed to calm your dimwitted self from killing a totally defenseless guy"she said.

Now she had crossed the line,I mean no one insults me except my old man!

"God,I'mma kill this one" is all I got to say before the principal found Carson bleeding profusely on the floor.

"What's going on here? Gonzalez and Lopez to my office!Carson to the nurse."

After a couple of minutes,we were at the principal's office,with the girl constantly yarping of how innocent she was.

Of course I had nothing to say but chuckle,I mean it was a job well done.

I had broken the geek's nose pretty good and I'm sure Emma would thank me for that!

"Detention both of you!" The principal's voice brought me back from my thoughts,and there it is the moment I had awaited.

It was inevitable that we would go unpunished.Kate would kill me if she found out about this, but how could she possibly find out?

Detention was always fun for the old me but today it was even more interesting.
How could it not be interesting, when the redhead was so scared of the weirdos beside her.

I was seated at the back, waiting for this to be over because I had promised Justin to help him organise his upcoming party and he wouldn't stop texting me.

    Justin:Where are you,dude?

    Me: Detention, but it'll be over in a couple of minutes.

    Justin:Dude detention again??! I thought you promised Kate, no more detention, damn it!

Me:I know, I know ,it's complicated, I'll explain, just wait for me.


A few minutes it was over and true to his word, Justin was waiting for me.

The party was a big deal for him and I being his friend,needed to help him out.I was still telling him what went on,when the Redhead walked past us nervously to the parking lot.

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