Are you asking me out?

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Hailey's POV
Days had turned into weeks,I had pretty much adapted to everyone and everything. Where was Zee, you ask? I'm keeping my cool, even though we hadn't hangout with Zee for awhile, I was starting to rethink my whole idea of reuniting her with Justin. She had completely forgotten about her bestie!

But then again there was always someone to keep me company, Jake Reeves. He always hangout with me especially at McDonald's since he was a waiter there, let's just say free food was always available.

I knew he liked me, I often caught him stealing glances from me but I just ignored him.Well,what can I say I wanted someone different for a change, someone we'd connect,bond,have a spark even but Jake was only a friend,an acquaintance.......

"Boo!" Someone suddenly startled me, bringing me back to the reality, noise and frenzied activity in the halls of East wood high.

"Get a life, you idiot!" I snapped at him.

" Whoa,don't you know how to have fun, sweetheart,"he asked a smile forming at the corner of his lips.

" See,that's why we don't get along.You and I have a different definition of fun,"I said jabbing my finger on his shirt.

" Anyway,have any plans later?" He asked and I could help but feel giddy in a weird way.

"Are you asking me out, Liam?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows,cause it was hard to believe.

Chuckling gleefully,he said,"Don't be stupid,Hailey.You and I are in the same situation,our best friends keep ditching us,so..."

" Oh,in that case you have a girlfriend don't you?Go hangout with her for pit sake,instead of ruining my perfectly good moods this fine day,"I said,I never understood this guy even for a moment but for his sister I'd try my best to get along with him.

"I'd hangout with her but you know her.What will I say when she compels to me to give her the name of the person who punched me?"he asked.

" Well tell her what you told the rest, malicious street thugs,"I mumbled inaudibly.

" Ooh,we going down that road?Okay,Okay.She's my girl,I have to tell her nothing but the truth."
The nerve? Blackmail seriously? That's the best thing he was good at.

"Are you serious right now,Liam.You such a..." I was so angry that I was lost for words.

" A what?Brute,jerk, bastard,go on but trust me I'm one of a kind,'he smiled slyly and walked away.

Liam's POV
Coach had insisted on us training hard is ever we wanted to win the game.I was at the boy's locker room,making sure my kneepads were intact when Dylan and Jake walked in talking about something.

"Bro you moving too fast,do you think she'll accept?" I heard Dylan on the other side of the locker room.

"What do you mean,I'm moving too fast?We've hanging out for a while and I got a feeling she likes me,"Jake said cheerfully.
That was enough to put two and two together to realise it was Hailey,he was talking about but accept what?!

"Whatever, she's pretty though,you're lucky," Dylan said.

" Don't I know it?She's the first girl to make me feel like this,she's too special and I don't want some dude getting to her first before I do.I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend,"he said.

There's no way,Hailey would agree to it,I know her.Boy,I wish I get to see his stupid face when Hailey rejects him,that would make my day for sure..

"Jake ,I don't want you getting your hopes up,girls be mean at  times,"
Yap girls do be mean, Hailey being one of them.

"Not her, she's sweet,funny and loving, tomorrow I'll confess my feelings when my shift is over at work."Jake said confidently.

" All these things about love are making me wanna puke,dude.Let's go,coach must be furious by now."

And they left,sweet,funny and loving,that wasn't Hailey at all,she was the opposite.Sassy,mean,loving to kids but not to me.

An idea popped up in my mind,I'd stop Jake from confessing his feelings to her.Not for my own benefit,but for her,Jake wasn't good for her,he was too prim and proper for her.
She deserved someone better, someone like......

Whatever, point is ,there's no way I'd left this jerk get the only person who made my days worth while. Not this one Jake!!

So after carefully laying a perfect plan into action , I was ready to sabotage Jake's plan.
Approaching her the next day ,I asked her to hangout with me ,so that Jake wouldn't get a chance to tell her anything.

Of course she'd refuse but Abby had become a mentor of mine in the game called blackmail ,this time I had the upper hand and she agreed.

But question is, where would I take her, McDonald's wasn't a choice cause that lover boy worked there ,home naah Abby would tell her something stupid about me, I had it figured out the perfect place a little weird but still I nice place.

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