Sure, I understand

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I couldn't wait for chemistry class to be over, I never thanked Jake for all his help.

"Class dismissed" Mrs Jenkins said.

Next class was home economics but you know what I needed to find Jake first.

"Hailey, what's the rush?" Zee stopped me on my tracks.

"Just wanted to thank Jake for his help before the next class begins"
I knew Zee and this was her giving me the curious look, but I wonder can't a girl thank someone around these halls?

"You sure it's not an excuse to see him, come on Hailey you like him, don't you? "

" Zee, come on, noo I want to thank him, after all he's the one behind my straight A"it's true if it wasn't for his help I would probably be wallowing in the janitor's closet.

Call me what you will, but that's how much I loved my grades, it ran in my blood, my mum was also a nerd in a good kinda way.

"So see yah, later Zee" and with that I was outside Mr Collins' class waiting for Jake.

Well ,before the so called Maddie, came up to me.

"Stalker much?" Looking through Mr Collins' class door.

" I mean what is it with you stalking guys around, first my boyfriend, yeah don't think I didn't see you being all goody goody with Liam, now who are you waiting for now?"

Me stalking her boyfriend please, don't make me laugh, why, how, for what purpose?

"What was it again, mmmh, Maddie, please ......stalk your boyfriend? As if I have nothing better to do. Why don't you keep him on a leash, cause if I remember correctly, he's the one  following me around"

Yeah I needed to get some sense in her head, her and her boyfriend have been trying to ruin my stay in East wood high, a living hell.

So having no words the girl beside her came to her aid,
"Whatever, Mads is prettier than you, I mean look at you, what are you?"
Laughing their way down the hall, their so called alpha said," Nice one, Corrie, let's bounce girls"

What am I ?! Being the mature lady I was , I let it roll off my back. Yeah you got that right , mature lady!!

Mr Collins class was done and a couple of students walked out and no sight of Jake.Of course he had to be the last student to walk out.

Just seeing him made me excited which led to me hugging him.
"Uh,Hailey..... Hailey...I can't breath"

" Oh sorry about that,I just wanted to thank you,Jake,I got an A!"

" Yeah I figured, judging from how you almost squeezed the life out of me"

" Jake I'm serious,I'm truly grateful although I can't say much about my loser of a partner"yeah he was a loser for not helping me although I might have had something to do with him not helping him,but what gives?

Didn't his mum teach him to help someone in need.

Enough of him,back to Jake,"Just kidding,Hailey,but no need to mention it,it was my pleasure"

" So I have gotta ask, would you like to join me for lunch in the cafeteria,....I mean not like a date or anything...for gratitude that is"

Well,this got weird quick,I mean i wasn't asking him out,no way,it was just my way of showing I'm grateful and to possibly apologize for not having lunch with him the other day.

"Ummm,I can't,I mean I want to but I can't"
That hurt a bit.

"Ooh, I get it, payback for last time" I deserved it for not having lunch with him and for thinking he might be like the rest,you know Liam and Maddie the bullies of the school.

"Noo,it's not payback,I've got things going on,I mean there's football practice , something else I gotta attend to,but tell you what,  you  can come watch me during practice "

" Sure,I understand, I will"it's the least I could do for him helping me out and for also dropping me off at home.

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