Chapter 16, Alex.

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 Prairie gripped her wrist in pain. She winced, a look of agony arose from deep within her eyes.

"Prarie what's wrong?" I asked I walked over to her.

"AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled as she fell to the floor. I jumped back to where I was in shock when she looked up at me, her eyes were red. Like, evil red. Her veins had turned black, all of them rising her skin up. I looked at everybody they where all terrified as I was. Sally ran over to Lazari and Noe and all of them went to Slenderman. I looked to Ej and he shook his head "No" I ignored him and walked up.

"Prarie what's wrong?" I asked holding out my hand to help. She bared her teeth and growled slightly, I walked back to my spot "Prairie?"

"Mom?" Noe asked. Prairie leaped up and lunged at Noe, tackling her, pinning her to the floor.

"Alex! Help!"

"Get away from her!" Jane yelled and ran over to help. Jane's efforts, though trying hard, were useless. Prairie just clawed Jane, tossing her across the room. I looked at Sally and Lazari then to Slenderman, Get them out of here. I thought so Slenderman could hear me, he nodded and teleported away then reappeared.

Soon, Noe was lying unconscious on the floor. She hurt her own daughter! I thought. I turned my attention to the triplets. OH NO!! I ran over to the triplets and grabbed them, then I gave them to Hoodie. He just stared at me with what looked like wide eyes.

"WHAT!!!! I DON'T know what to do with these things!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!" He yelled. I just stared back at him.

"Because you are the only person I can trust with babies right now, and Masky you can help, do you think I can trust the others?" I said looking at them.


"Ok Slendy," Masky said as he and Hoodie went up the stairs to a room.

"Oh, almost forgot, abusive psychopath!" I yelled. I just stood there looking at my sister shocked that she will hurt her own kid. Then I realized this isn't her and Cody is controlling her. She then looked at me, a devilish twinkle in her eyes. Crap I think I am next.

She lunged at me and I dodged just in time Ej and Jeff trying to handle her but for some reason, she was too strong, she hit jeff in the face and left him unconscious with a broken nose and she lunged Ej across the room and hit him in the wall and left unconscious. That's gonna leave a mark. I thought but I was lost in thought she tackled me to the ground. Somehow, she had found a gun. Like, a gun, gun.

She had it pressed to my neck. "Prairie stop! This isn't you! Cody is controlling you!"

"And soon, I'll have you too! My own army of, creatures," said a voice behind me.

"CODY?" I yelled. Prairie tightened her grip and pushed the gun closer. He was holding an identical controlling device to the one on Prairie's wrist.

"No! I will not join your stupid army!" I yelled.

"Too bad you don't get a choice!" Cody yelled, lunging at me.

"I said NO!" I yelled as I pushed Prairie off. Prairie perched on her legs, looking questioningly at Cody.

"Hold up," he said, holding a hand up to Prairie.

"What?" I asked, I also looking confused.

"I'll give you one chance. One chance to join me. One chance to join. Or else things will get ugly," Cody said, "No matter what you choose, you will soon be with us,"

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