Chapter 6, Alex.

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I can't believe she is gone, she was my only friend. I could hear her screams echoing through the house. I can still see a driver run a red light, slamming into my sister. I can still see her car flip over and burst into flames. I need to get out of here this is driving me insane. I thought as I went to my closet and changed into a sweatshirt and jeans with rips at the knees. I also got my backpack that was hanging on my door and packed my phone, earbuds, chocolate covered raisins, water, my journal, flashlight, and a picture of my twin sister. I went to my window and slid it open. Before I went out, I looked back at the room that my sister and I would hang out. It hasn't changed much. Same old pillows, same old boy band posters, same old, bloody footprints leading out the window? What what? I am going to take a picture. I thought I got my phone out of my bag and took a picture, then I hopped out the window. The air was a little damp and it was a cold night. Hopefully, they won't find me. I don't ever want to go back to that place will drive me insane. I walked to the street and called a taxi. When a bright yellow taxi came by and picked me up I got in the back. The driver was a man, he had a grey beard, and was wearing winter clothes.

"Where are you going?" the man asked in a gruff voice

"Take me to the park," I said in a determined voice.

"Okie." the man said. It took about twentyish minutes to get to the park I wanted to go to. The man stopped at the park and I pulled out my wallet and gave him two dollars. I walked around the park remembering the stuff that happened here. This is the park we would hang out, this is the park we would do everything together, where we learned to ride our bikes, where we had our birthday parties, we would never split up. I walked to where the forest edge met the city. I took a big breath and walked in, never coming back to the city. I got deeper into the forest and noticed right away there was a lot of fog around and darkness, I stopped and put my bag down to get my flashlight. I put my bag on my shoulders again and turned on the flashlight. The trees where thick and they were big. Know wonder people called this forest Big Foggy Trees. I thought. As I was walking deeper I moved the flashlight from tree to tree, that is when I noticed a paper was on a tree somehow. I walked over to the tree it said: HELP ME___. I grabbed the paper and shoved it in my bag, not knowing people disappeared in this forest. I walked in a different direction but in every direction, it felt like someone was ... watching me. Then I heard a twig snap, frantically I looked around then I got a major headache and felt really dizzy. I knew about this, I am in the Slenderman's forest and I took one of his pages. How did I not know about this when I got the page. I tried to think. I went to my bag and got out the page and put it in front of me. The Slender sickness stopped after a while and I looked up to see if he was there. He was towering over me.

"I gave you your page back can you stop looking at me?" I asked he just stood there and one of his tendrils wrapped around me and teleported somewhere.

"Where the heck are you taking me?" I asked and in the second we were teleported in an office, there was a wooden floor and a green going into a brownish color for the walls, and there was a desk in the middle of the room and bookcases everywhere lining the walls.

"Why were you wandering around my forest?" Slenderman said.

"Because I want to get away from my life I don't like what it is now," I said to Slenderman.

"Still... What happened to your sister?" He asked. I started to tear up when he said that,

"I don't want to talk about that..." I said almost crying, I didn't want to tell him what happened to MY twin sister to MY best friend.

"Oh, I see you don't have to tell me if it makes you this upset. I will have one of my proxies bring you to a room." He said

"Ok thanks," I said

"Jack!" Slenderman said, a few minutes later the doors opened to a boy in his teens, he was wearing black jeans a black hoodie, and a blue mask with black liquid coming out of the eye sockets.

"Jack would you escort this lady to a room please, she needs some time alone." Slenderman said. Jack just stood there looking at Slenderman.

"Find what room? All the rooms are taken." Jack said still looking at Slenderman. Slenderman just looked at me then back at Jack.

"Just take her to the game room, she can sit on the couch." Slenderman said.

"Alex this is Eyeless Jack or EJ, he will escort you to the game room, that is where you can have time to yourself or be a little situated with everyone." Slenderman said. Eyeless Jack or EJ motioned me to follow him. We opened the door out of Slenderman's office and walked down a long hallway there were doors here and there but we went to a brown door and EJ opened it and there were stairs going up to ground level. EJ escorted me up the stairs.

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