Chapter 5, Prairie.

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The bell rang, after a long and hard day. The bell had rung two minutes after I finished and turned in my Algebra quiz, having a good feeling about my grade for it. Once I got out of the classroom, I rushed to my locker, stuffed my homework in my backpack, swung it over my shoulder and headed outside. I immediately locked my eyes on my Hatchback.

I was really excited. I was on my way to a diner near here called the Pit Stop. It is a racing-themed diner I have been to a few times with friends, but mostly with my best friend, my closest friend, my sister Alex.

The diner had red paint, with a strip of checkered wallpaper, going all along the dining area. The seats were high up with red cushions matching the walls. There were some booths with the same color cushions. The floor was a sleek brown wooden floor. The diner was almost always busy at this time, Friday evenings after school because almost everyone in high school was going with sports teams or friend groups. I was on my way home because I had been asked out on a date by this boy who had been my crush since preschool, named Xander.

I turned my car on and slowly backed out of my parking space. As I made my way out of the parking lot, I saw my sister standing outside the school, waving at me, I smiled and waved back, then I returned my attention to the road.

I checked both sides of the intersection before pressing gas at the green light. I was halfway through the intersection when my world ended. A car had run a red light, slamming into me. My car sped out, flipped over, and burst into flames.

The Beyond.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ