Chapter 14, Alex.

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Noe was extra hyper today. She kept running circles and circles. "Remind me why this child is still here? The After fog is long gone," Slenderman said.

I shrugged, "Ask her,"

"Child, why haven't you gone back?" Slenderman asked.

"I, I can't go back. Mom and dad hardly know I exist anymore! They are focusing only on the new babies," Noe bawled.

"Slender can we keep her please, Sally actually has someone to play with," I asked looking at the no faced Slenderman.

"Maybe... If we do remember she has to become a creepypasta too." Slenderman said.

"Um," Noe said. At that moment, something strange happened. She looked to be blinking in and out of existence, a glowing light emerging from her chest. She fell to the floor, panting hard, the light was gone and she was solid.

"Ummmm... EJ!!!!!" I yelled. I could hear footsteps running towards me.

"Ya?" He asked. I just stared at him, he looked around and noticed Noe. He knelt down and checked her pulse. "Ok well she is good but what happened?"

"Well, first she was like going out of existence. Then there was a light on her chest, then she fell on the floor breathing heavy and was solid."

"Ok, I will take her to my surgical room," Ej said.

"I'm freakin' awake!" Noe snapped. She had suddenly sprung up, startling me.

"Oh geez, kid!!!!!" Ej said almost tripped back. Thankfully he got his balance back.

"I feel weird," Noe said.

"Well follow me then, we will take you down to my surgical room."

"Why?" Noe asked.

"To check to see if you are all right... Plus I am the only medic." Ej said, looking at Slenderman.

"Well, we have Dr smile... so you aren't the only one Jack..." Slenderman said.

"I, I," Noe stuttered. Suddenly, white wings sprouted out of her.

"What the heck!?" Slenderman yelled.

"Crap!" I yelled too.

"what, what is that?" Noe asked.

"How, what," I stuttered. 

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