Faith [7]

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Sam moved quietly through the basement to a candlelit altar littered with parts of dead animals, blood, horns, etc.

There was a photo in the middle of Dean, taken from the security camera the first time they were in the tent before he was healed.

Dean's face had been crossed out with what looks like blood.

"I gave your brother life and I can take it away," Sue Ann said from behind Sam, startling him.

Sam was furious. He tipped over the table the alter was on, then ran at Sue Ann but she was already up the stairs.

Sue Ann closed the hatch and secured it with a beam.

Sam stretched to push against them and kept trying.

Natalia let out a cry.

"Sam, can't you see?" Sue Ann called out from the other side "The Lord chose me to reward the just and punish the wicked. And your brother is wicked and he deserves to die just as Layla deserves to live. It is God's will,"

Natalia wiggled around from where she was on her father's back.

"Tali not now sweetie," Sam claimed.

Natalia let out another cry as she continued to wiggle around.

"Natalia!" Sam turned and saw wood boarding up a window.

"Good-Bye Sam," Sue Ann said as she left.

Sam pulled a lock of wood out from the wall and smashed out a small boarded up window, using fabric he found he swiped away any glass that was on the ground in front of the window before reaching back and picking up Natalia.

Natalia watched her dad, unsure of what was going on.

"I need you to crawl through and get to the side so Daddy can follow you, ok?"

Natalia only nodded silently as her father placed her at the ledge of the window so she could get through.


Dean was heading toward the tent when some lights went out. He stopped, looking behind him, and watched the line of lights lighting the path go out one by one. Dean turned back to see the reaper walking toward him.

The reaper placed his hand on the side of Dean's head.

Dean convulsed once, sinking to his knees, his eyes glazing over.

"'top it!" A small female voice called out.

"Nat..." Dean said weakly as the small toddler hurried over to her Uncle.

Natalia stood in front of her Uncle, hugging his leg as she stood between him and the Reaper. "'top it," Natalia repeated.

The reaper stopped what he was doing and looked up.

Dean fell to the ground gasping.

"Unkie De!" Natalia cried out as she shook her uncle.

Dean coughed as he picked Natalia up, the girl was quick to hug his neck. "You did good, kid," Dean told her as they headed back towards the Impala. "You did good,"

"Tali!" Sam called out, he let out a sigh of relief when he saw Dean holding her near the Impala. "Thank God,"

Dean handed the three-year-old to her dad.

Sam immediately kissing her head "What happened to rule number 1?"

"I hat to pwotect Dean," Natalia argued.

Sam looked over at his brother "You ok?"

Dean shook his head "Hell of a week,"

"Yeah..." Sam sighed.

Natalia let out a little yawn.

Sam couldn't help a small smile "All right, come on. We should get going,"


Dean sat on the bed, his hand mindlessly brushing Natalia's hair as she slept.

"What is it?" Sam asked as he watched his brother.

"Nothing," Dean claimed.

"What is it?" Sam asked more gently.

"We did the right thing here didn't we?"

"Of course we did,"

Dean hung his head in shame "It doesn't feel like it,"

A knock at the door stopped the brothers.

"I got it," Sam opened the door as Dean turned to look.

It was Layla.

"Hey, Layla." Sam greeted. "Come on in,"

"Hey." Layla entered.

Dean quickly rose, flinching when his movement caused Natalia to shift in her. "How did you know we were here?"

"Sam...called." Layla explained, "He said you...wanted to say goodbye?"

Dean glanced at Sam, who was at the door, looking sheepish.

"I'm gunna...grab Natalia's bottle from the car." He left, closing the door behind him.

Dean laughing slightly with a shake of his head, knowing fully well that Nat's bottle wasn't in the car.

"So, uh. Where are you going?" Layla asked, filling the silence.

"Don't know yet." Dean admitted "Our work kinda takes us all over,"

Layla watched Dean in silence for a moment "You know...I went back to see Roy,"

Dean nodded "What happened?"

Layla shook her head as she sat on one of the beds "Nothing. He laid his hands on my forehead but nothing happened,"

Dean took a seat beside Layla "I'm sorry. I'm sorry it didn't work,"

"And Sue Ann. She's dead you know? Stroke,"

"Yeah, I heard. you know Roy's a good man. He doesn't deserve what's happened." Dean looked at Layla "Must be rough. To believe in something so much, and have it disappoint you,"

Layla smiled "You wanna hear something weird? I'm OK. Really. I guess if you're gonna have can't just have it when the miracles happen. You have to have it when they don't,"

"So what now?"

Layla smiled softly "God works in mysterious ways." She laid her hand softly on the side of Dean's face, staring at him "Good-Bye Dean." Layla rose and moved towards the door.

Dean closed his eyes for a second, remaining still until he rose and turned to face Layla "Well..." Dean cleared his throat as Layla turned back to face him "I'm not much of the praying type...but...I'm gonna pray for you,"

"Well..." Layla's eyes were shining with unshod tears "There's a miracle right there,"

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