Skin [3]

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Dean and Sam were still working their way out of their ropes.

"Yeah, that's the thing. He didn't just look like you, he was you. Or he was becoming you," Sam explained

Dean finally worked his way out of the ropes. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know, it was like he was downloading your thoughts and memories,"

"You mean, like the Vulcan mind meld?"

"Yeah, somethin' like that. I mean, maybe that's why he doesn't just kill us,"

Dean got up and walked over to Sam. "Maybe he needs to keep us alive. Psychic connection," he started untying Sam's ropes.

"Hands." Sam said "Yeah. Come on, we gotta go. He's probably at Rebecca's already,"


Dean and Sam climbed out a window and onto the street.

"Come on. We gotta find a phone, call the police," Sam said

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're gonna put an APB out on me," Dean argued

Sam glared at Dean "The Shapeshifter has my daughter Dean!"

Dean nodded "This way," They started running down the street.


The Shapeshifter watched as Natalia scribbled in a coloring page. "It's funny. I kind of understand him. He's all alone-close to no one. All he wants is for someone to love him. He's like me,"

Rebecca looked very uncomfortable.

"You know, everybody needs a little human touch now and then. It's hard to be different." The Shapeshifter tucked Natalia's hair behind her ear.

"You should go," Rebecca told him

The shapeshifter leaned in and whispered something in Rebecca's ear.

Rebecca looked horrified and stood up. "You are disgusting, just get the hell out of here!"

"Rebecca, just calm down," The Shapeshifter stood up.

"Calm down? What is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?"

Rebecca walked to the phone. "I'm calling the police,"

The shapeshifter walked over to her and threw the phone to the floor.

Rebecca screamed and tried to run away, but the Shapeshifter tripped her and Rebecca fell to the ground.

The Shapeshifter straddled Rebecca's legs and began tying her hands with the telephone cord "Give me your hands!"

Rebecca continued to scream.

"Shut up!" The Shapeshifter ordered as he stood up, he looked over to where Natalia was originally only to notice the abandoned coloring book and crayons on the ground and no three year old. "Son of a bitch!"


Rebecca was tied in a chair in her bedroom, beaten and bloody.

"You're a nice girl, Rebecca. I mean, I liked you. Believe me, that makes this harder." The Shapeshifter held up a knife and examined it. "But I gotta do what I gotta do," he moved towards her. Suddenly, they heard a crash come from another room. The Shapeshifter smirked "Gotcha," The shapeshifter walked into the room just as Natalia waddled into the second bedroom. "There you are,"

Natalia screamed allowing the SWAT team to find them.

"Freeze!" A Police Officer ordered "Drop the knife! Drop the knife! Drop the knife!"

The shapeshifter threw the knife at the police officer, and the rest of the team began shooting. The shapeshifter kicked one of the men, then went outside and jumped off the balcony, onto the grass below.

"Come on! Come on! Go! Go!" The Police officer ordered his men as the shapeshifter ran away.


Dean and Sam were standing in front of a store window, watching a news report that was being shown on a display of televisions.

"An anonymous tip led police to a home in the Central West End, where a SWAT team discovered a local woman bound and gagged, along with a young three-year-old girl. Their attacker, a white male, approximately twenty-four to thirty years of age, was discovered hiding in their home," A reporter explained as a sketch of Dean appeared on the screen.

Dean looked over and noticed Sam's stone cold expression once the reporter had mentioned Nat. "Man! That's not even a good picture," Dean kidded in hopes to lessen the tension.

"It's good enough," Sam walked away, Dean quickly following.

"They said attempted murder. At least we know I didn't kill them,"

"We'll check with Rebecca and Natalia in the morning, see if they're all right,"

"All right, but first I wanna find that handsome devil and kick the holy crap out of him," Dean claimed once they stopped walking.

"We have no weapons. No silver bullets,"

"Sam, the guy's walkin' around with my face, and went after your daughter, okay, it's a little personal, I wanna find him,"

"Okay. Where do we look?"

"Well, we could start with the sewers,"

"We have no weapons. He stole our guns, we need more...The car?"

"I'm bettin' he drove over to Rebecca's,"

"The news said he fled on foot. I bet it's still parked there,"

"The thought of him drivin' my car," Dean said upset

Sam rolled his eyes "Yes, a car is more important than my daughter's life,"

"Sam, you know I didn't mean it like that. She's your baby and my car's mine..."

"Come on,"

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