Chapter 32

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*2 months later. John B & Sarah have been missing for a whole year.
McKenna POV

"Promise me you'll be careful." Jj says as we're waiting for my flight to be called.

Today I'm moving to southern California for college, and I'm really bummed and upset that Jj can't come with me.

"Of course." I tell Jj, trying my hardest not to cry but failing terribly. "I need you to promise me that you won't find someone better."

"As long as you promise to do the same." Jj mumbles with a weak laugh, wiping his eyes. "I meant it when I said I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life mom amour, that hasn't changed, and it never will."

"I love you so much Jj, don't you forget that, okay?" I mumble, giving Jj a long kiss. "I'll come and visit as soon as I can, alright? I promise."

"I love you mon amour." Jj buries his face in my neck, and I have to force back tears.

After a very long flight and taxi drive, I've made it to my dorm/apartment type thi g.

As I'm getting my small bedroom situated, a brunette guy knocks on the front door.

"Hey, are you McKenna Cameron?" The guy asks when I open the door, and I nod. "I'm your RA Tucker Millstead, and this is my best Riley Banks, she's your roommate."

"Dammit Tucker, I told you I wanted to introduce myself." The girl growls, carrying a huge duffle bag. "I'm Riley, it's nice to meet you."

"I'm McKenna, it's nice to meet you as well."

"So McKenna, why don't tell me about yourself?" Riley suggests as we're making dinner, and I shrug.

"I'm an only child, I lived with my dad, my grandpa, and my boyfriend back home." I say, and Riley smiles.

"You miss your boy, don't you?" Riley asks, and I nod. "Hey, there's a family day in a month. You should invite him."

"I'll definitely be doing that."

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