Chapter 11: Midsummers

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*5 days later.
McKenna POV

I was released from the hospital yesterday, and Midsummers is tonight so I'm getting ready for that.

I also haven't seen Jj since the day we went to the OBX, and I heard from Kiara that he got arrested apparently because he took the fall for whatever it was that he and Pope did.

I'm mainly pissed off about the fact that Jj didn't come to visit me one time while I was in the hospital, and I know that he got out on bail. Kie, Pope, and John B all came to visit me while I was in there. Even Sarah came to visit me twice despite the fact that we aren't exactly on good terms, but not Jj.

John B's also been acting different these past couple of days, and it's starting to piss me off even more than I already am.

"Hey kiddo, are you ready to go?" My dad asks when he walks into my room, and I nod. "How are your stitches feeling? How's your head?"

"I'm doing fine Dad, I swear. I'll tell you if I start feeling bad." I say, and my dad actually looks satisfied enough with my answer. "We should probably get going though, don't wanna be late to the big charade that neither of us wanna go to."

As I'm talking with Pope and Kiara near where the food and drinks are, I spot a familiar boyish looking blonde head of hair on the dance floor walking towards the patio.

Pope walks over towards the blonde guy first, and I see him hug the blonde tightly, so I know it that has to be Jj because Pope isn't really a hugger.

"Jj? Oh my god." I mumble when I get over to the two boys, and Jj pulls me into a hug as tears blur my vision. "You scared the living shit out of the three of us you fucking fick."

"Hey princess, hey, please don't start crying, because then I'll cry and I have a reputation to uphold." Jj says in a soft but joking tone, wiping under my eyes.

I may be beyond pissed off at Jj right now for a number of reasons, but I was still really worried about him. "You look absolutely stunning tonight by the way, yellow is definitely your color."

"You don't clean up too bad yourself Jj, dress clothes look really really good on you." I wipe under my eyes again, relieved that Jj's okay.

"Would you mind saving me a dance princess?" Jj asks, and I can now see the bruises and cuts on his face because I've wiped away my tears. "I have some things that I need to go and take care of."

"I guess." I mumble, and Jj gives me one of his signature smirks before running off into the building.

After about ten or fifteen minutes, a security guard comes up and tries to drag Jj out of the party.

"Stop, you can't just drag him out!" Kie yells, balling up part of her skirt in her fist so it's easier to walk.

Jj runs through the crowd and over to John B, then the two boys give each other a salute.

"Come on ladies, we have a very important and mandatory business meeting to attend to!" Jj yells, and the look on his face is what convinces me.

I hike up my skirt and run over to Jj, who picks me up and spins me around before Kiara and Pope catch up to us and we all run together to where John B's van is parked in front of the building.

As everyone is waiting in the van for John B to get done with his "business meeting" with Sarah Cameron, I hear what sounds like a cry for help.

"Wait, did you guys here that?" I ask, and the others quiet down, then I hear the same sound again.

Without giving the other three any time to react, I'm out of the van and in the pouring rain running to where I'm sure the sound is coming from

I'm just thankful that Jj gave me some extra clothes of his to change into.

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