Chapter 23

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*time skip to Friday night.
McKenna POV

"Please promise me that you'll be careful out there tonight." Jj says as we're eating together before the game.

The football coach Coach Mack let's each player bring one person to eat dinner with them before the game, and tonight I chose to bring Jj like I have for the past couple weeks.

"You know I can't promise you that Jj, those guys are like four times bigger than me, so I'm bound to get hurt eventually." I point out, and Jj nods. I grab Jj's hand, which causes him to look at me. "I'll be okay."

"I know you will mon amour, but I can't help worrying about you anyway." Jj mumbles, and I lean across the table and give Jj a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hey, I love you." I say, and Jj breaks into a grin.

"I love you too mon amour."

"The votes are in. The winners for Homecoming King and Homecoming Queen are..." The announcer pauses, building suspense as me and one of the male cheerleaders Jace Whitley are linked arms just like the other Homecoming Court candidates. All of us are lined up on the football field together. "Jace Whitley and McKenna Rhodes!"

"We won!!" Jace says, and we give each other a fist bump as last year's Homecoming king and queen give us our crowns.

"Congratulations McKenna, you really deserved it." The junior queen candidate says in a snotty tone, and I roll my eyes.

"You know what? Thank you." I grin, not letting the girl bring down my mood.

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