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     "WHAT THE HELL IS TAKING so long?" Joyce sighed in exasperation. The five of them had been waiting in Will's room for over an hour, and the Byers woman was growing restless. She wanted to know what was wrong with her son, and she wanted to know immediately.

It was stressing her out, seeing Will attached to all the machines with something wrong with him. She had no idea how to help her baby boy, and it scared her that she was going to lose him again. Permanently, this time, however.

Chris glanced over at Will who was staring in front of him with a blank expression on his face. He bounced his knee with anxious nerves which he did not know how to stop.

Joyce let out a sigh as Bob turned to her and softly responded, "Hey... Doctors take forever, always. Just try and relax. Just be patient." She exhaled heavily before the beeping monitor was the only sound that was heard in the room.

Her brown eyes shifted towards the door before returning her gaze to the monitor. She shook her head to rid her thoughts of leaving the room to find Dr. Owens, but her efforts were futile. She pushed the blanket off of her shoulders and stood up.

"Y-you know, I'm just..." She didn't finish her sentence before rushing out of the room and towards the doors. Bob was quick to chase after her, and the boys watched as the woman argued with the guards by the doors to let her see Dr. Owens.

The sounds from the monitor picked up as Will glared at the men who were holding Joyce back from the door. His dark eyes shifted down to the weapon in the holster on his waist.

Chris and Mike looked up at the monitor before glancing at one another. The Royales boy reached forward and grabbed onto Will's wrist to try and snap him out of the trance that he was in after he didn't respond to his name being called by either of them.

The Byers boy jumped, and Chris quickly removed his hand from the boy's skin. Will looked down at his wrist before back up at his friends.

His skin was paler than before, and he had dark circles around his eyes. The iris of his eye was such a dark brown that it appeared black in certain lightings.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked, leaning forward and resting his forearms on his knees. "Are you hurting again?" Will shuddered as he thought back to what he had just seen.

He wanted whatever was wrong with him to stop. Not only was it painful, but it was terrifying as well. He just wanted to go back to being normal. He wanted to play D&D with his friends in Mike's basement for hours and play at the arcade without having to worry about a curfew.

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