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     "STOP BEING A BABY AND do it already!" Mike groaned. Him, Chris, Lucas, and Max were back behind the school digging through the large dumpster looking for D'Artagnan. Seeing as Dustin had originally found the creature in the garbage can by his house, the others assumed that it would be hiding in the trash at school.

Chris watched in disgust as Lucas climbed over the side and hopped into the trash bin. He nearly threw up from the smell; but watching his friend climb into the dirty, slimy, and trash-filled dumpster, he gagged and quickly looked in the other direction.

Him, Max, and Mike all stood beside the dumpster as Lucas rummaged through the trash bags that rested inside the large container. They were waiting for him to toss some of the bags out so they could poke through the trash.

"This is so disgusting," complained Chris before adding, "Is this really necessary?" Dustin had come around the corner, his eyebrows furrowing at the sight of his friends standing by the dumpster. Unbeknownst to him, Lucas was in there.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked them.

"What do you think? We're looking for Dart," Mike explained to him before trash bags from within were thrown over the side, earning shouts of disgust from the others, landing and spilling out by Chris' feet. He let out a shriek as Lucas popped his head up before jumping out of the dumpster.

"Well, well, well," he stated, wiping his hands off on his pants before crossing his arms. "Look who finally decided to show up. After I drew the short straw. How convenient."

"You stink!" Max commented, walking away from Lucas and towards Dustin. The curly-haired boy gave her a dopey grin, to which she did not return.

"Hi, Max," he smiled at her as she stared blankly at him.

"Hi." She turned back to the others, with a subtle shake of her head, before Dustin asked where Will was.

"He'll be here," Mike answered, nodding his head, although him and Chris weren't too sure about that. After what had happened the previous day, they didn't know if Joyce was going to let him go to school—even if Will wanted too.

"Are you just going to stand there?" asked Lucas, tossing a stick over in Dustin's direction. Dustin caught it and looked up at the Sinclair boy, squinting his eyes to block out the harsh rays of the sun. "Or you gonna help?"

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