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     THE TWO GIRLS MARCHED THROUGH the trees, one being dragged by the other. April's wrist was red from the tight grip from her sister. She wouldn't be surprised if it would be bruised after their venture through the woods.

Leaves crunched underneath their worn out shoes as they followed the sounds of laughter. Eleven had heard the melodious sound travelling through the air as if the cool, autumn wind was carrying it along.

She had paused for a moment before tugging on April's wrist and pulling her towards the sound. The longer-haired brunette let out a whimper and quickly followed her sister to see if being closer to her would help alleviate the pain in her wrist.

It didn't.

"Ow, Ellie, please stop," she whined as her right hand reached over to grab onto her left wrist to try and peel Eleven's fingers off of it. El ignored her as she walked towards the mother and her young daughter who were playing in their backyard.

The blonde, curly-haired mother pushed her daughter on the swings as El stopped and stared at them. April's brown eyes followed her sister's gaze and grew upset at the sight in front of her.

April had always wanted a mother, at least a mother that took care of her. Instead Elizabeth Hilt sold her newborn daughter to the government to be experimented on for several thousand dollars. She had willingly let people destroy her child's life in order to receive money from those men.

The brunette looked over at her sister and knew by the forlorn expression on her face knew that she was thinking about her mother. Hopper had told them that Eleven's mother was gone, and since then, El couldn't stop thinking about what life would've been like with her instead of at the lab.

"Is your mom here? Sweeties?" the kind voice of the mother shocked the two out of their trances. Their brown eyes snapped over in her direction. She stood directly in front of them with her child by her side, hand-in-hand.

"School," said Eleven. "Where is school?"

"The school?" she repeated in a soft tone of voice before pointing her finger off to her left. "It's, uh... it's about a mile that way. At least. Where are your parents?" Instead of lying, Eleven narrowed her eyes at the swing set. The metal chains that held the swing squeaked at the seat swung over the top several times.

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