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     "SHE KNOWS I'M LYING. SHE knows I'm lying," Mike complained to Lucas. The two, Will, and Chris were in the Wheeler's basement, as they had originally planned to play Dungeons and Dragons for the first time in weeks. However, Chris and Will were the only two who wanted to play.

Will was the Dungeon Master and was setting up his campaign. Chris was sitting down in the seat next to him, watching the brunet with interest. He loved how Will was so particular about where things on the board had to be placed. It was very pleasing to him because Mike usually had everything haphazardly all over the board—at least in Chris' opinion.

Lucas shook his head. "I just don't understand. Why lie?"

"Hopper. He threatened me," Mike explained as Will was carefully setting a piece down on the board.

"Did he say he'd kill you?" Lucas asked.

"What? No."

"So then what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that if I don't do what he says, he'll stop me from seeing El. Like, permanently." Lucas put his hands on the bridge of his nose and sighed. "You don't understand, Lucas. He's crazy. He's lost his mind."

"Hey, guys, I'm almost set up here," Will announced. Chris glanced over at the other two who ignored the Byers boy. He sighed in frustration and turned his attention back to Will.

"I had no choice, Lucas," Mike continued. "I really had no choice."

"I just wish you'd consulted me, because the way you handled this... you're in deep shit."

Chris rolled his eyes as Mike sat down on the couch and screamed with his hands on his head.

"I'm not gonna lie," Lucas added, "it's gonna be bad." Mike screamed again before Lucas stood up. "But... you can fix this. It's just one little mistake. You have to march back into battle and win her back."

"How?" asked Mike.

"I'll show you. Come on." The two boys ran up the stairs as Will opened up his binder for the campaign. He watched them leave and his heart sunk.

"Wait, guys! We're still here!" They hear a door open, and Will calls out again. "Guys?"

"I don't think they care," Chris huffed as he grabbed his backpack and started following the two. "Let's go. They're probably going to need our help." Will frowns deeply before closing his binder. He follows after Chris and the two get on their bikes, chasing after Lucas and Mike.

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